Pony kicked my 2 year old!

Orange Peel.

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22 February 2011
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Before the lectures come flooding in about not letting her near the pony, he is normally good, this is been a terrible day for me as it is so please don't..

I went down to the stables with my sister and 2 year old and let her go stroke my Shetland pony, he shares the field with W.. W is 'temperamental'. Saw C getting a scratch and galloped over.. I told him to go steady and he stopped next to
me and was having a scratch. My sister then gave C a polo and W went mad kicking out! C galloped to the gate and I pushed my sister away and my 2 year old to the floor, W caught her head as she went down. Balling my eyes out I got her checked over and short of stringing the pony up I left them out! I'm so angry! Owners response was.. 'You took her there', which I except fully but was then followed by 'You sort him out then.' I'm very angry at her blatant disregard of the event as it could have turned out very nasty! This pony is a rescue that was too much for said owner to handle so left in the field and not handled other to the field and back, I won't give up on this pony but I feel like iv been on holiday for 2 weeks and all my hard work with him has been forgotten, what can I do? Thankyou to anybody who read this.. x


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2 April 2010
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Sounds like an unfortunate accident to me Rather than the pony being malicious but I wouldn't let any small children. near it. It's not clear to me whose pony it actually is or why you should have to sort it out?

team barney

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5 March 2010
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Polos cause chaos, I have known perfectly behaved ponies turn into raving monsters at the mere sight of a doughnut shaped mint.

I am not sure the pony meant to harm your daughter, accidents happen and I am sure she will get over the incident. Most kids around ponies get kicked/bitten/trampled at some point I certain did and I have never been fearful as a result.

If she got caught on the head I would advise you have her checked out my a doctor though.


Well-Known Member
26 December 2009
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Really sorry to say, but if you dont want lectures about letting a 2 yr old child in a field with a basically unhandled pony, then maybe you shouldnt of posted here.
That said, it sounds like it was a pure accident, and I hope little one is ok.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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What a shock that must have been, I hope your daughter is ok.

I must admit that with my little sister, she only gets the pet the horses and feed them a treat if they are tied up or someone is holding them. I always worry that something could spook them, or horses in a neighbouring field setting them off and such a small child would be so vunerable. I'm sure many people would think that I am being over cautious especially as both horses are total legends, but at least this way she gets to enjoy relaxed time with them without me watching every tiny move and getting worried!


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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Hope your daughter is ok.

Personally, I wouldn't have my 2yr old in the field with the horses, I always used to make mine wait at the gate.

Don't beat yourself up about it, learn from it and move on.

I'm a little confused as to who owns W and what the issue is, so I won't comment on that.


Well-Known Member
11 November 2008
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I do sympathise with you as it must have been very frightening, but as you know, horses can be unpredictable...
Hope your daughter is ok and doesn't become too afraid (of horses).

fairly cozmo

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2 June 2011
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I didn't know my sister had the polos with her, I can't bring my self to go any where near any of them right now..
If, by 'them' you mean the horses then I think your attitude stinks. Why take the accident personally? they didn't target you/your daughter/sister deliberately.....


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
Other side of the Moon
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Firstly I am very glad your 2 year old is relatively unharmed.

Having said that what the **** are you doing taking a 2 year old child into a field and then feeding tidbits to the ponys???:mad: And then being surprised, horrified, angry etc. etc. because YOU nearly risked your young child's life in a thoughtless and irresponsible way around horses???

Sorry - I know you said (in a roundabout way)you didnt want to hear criticism - but really???? You expected a 'there, there' not your fault - naughty pony response?:confused:


Well-Known Member
26 April 2005
I can't remember the last time I went into a field unless to actually catch a horse or to check it over. I never make "social calls" as this is always asking for trouble. I suspect you will feel the same from now on and it is a shame that your daughter was injured as a result. Fortunately, she will not really remember it as she gets older, but it could have been so much worse.

It is not the pony's fault - but it IS an accident that was preventable. I believe it is dangerous to allow children into a field of loose horses - they are animals and are not predictable. I do hope that your daughter is OK and that you don't have too many nightmares about what could have happened had the pony caught her head at a different angle.


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2 February 2006
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FC- My daughter has been kicked in the head I take it very personally.

Well I think that may be your problem.

At the moment you are feeling emotional after the shock and fear of your daughter's close encounter.

However, you can't blame the pony for being a pony, or the owner, who wasn't even there.

It was your actions that brought about the accident. Best to learn from it and not make the same mistakes again.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Pony was doing what ponies do, we all accept that with horses comes a risk factor so why on earth you would take a 2 year old child into a field I do not know. I am sorry but it really isnt YO's fault although she could of perhaps been a bit more tactful.

I hope little one is ok and this doesnt affect how she views horses in the future


Well-Known Member
11 February 2011
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Why did you post on here? I hope you know that wqas a ridiculous thing to do with a 2yr old, and if I my horse knocked over or kicked a child I wouldn't have any sympathy either!! It isn't the horses fault.


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2 July 2008
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Puppy talks sense as always x

Shock after something like that means you may not be thinking quite straight. But thank goodness it wasn't worse - I'm sure you won't be doing it again!
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Well-Known Member
17 May 2009
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If you take it personally you obviouslly are looking for blame and you seem to be suggesting this is the owners fault !! However i suggest you need to calm down and realise that it is YOUR fault - only an idiot takes a toddler into a field of horses, one of which you dont know well and is not well handled, without a hat on. How bloody silly.

But i am glad she is ok, as you already know it could have been a lot lot worse. I hope you took her to a hospital to be checked over !!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
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Sounds like an accident at the end of the day we should all wear a hat even when not riding around horses that we know. How many of us do this probably not many.

But where a child is concerned hat definitely and they would be supervised really closely.

I hope she is ok what a shame. Would stop blaming XYZ ..........Responsibility lies with adult.


Well-Known Member
3 June 2009
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Firstly I am very glad your 2 year old is relatively unharmed.

Having said that what the **** are you doing taking a 2 year old child into a field and then feeding tidbits to the ponys???:mad: And then being surprised, horrified, angry etc. etc. because YOU nearly risked your young child's life in a thoughtless and irresponsible way around horses???

Sorry - I know you said (in a roundabout way)you didnt want to hear criticism - but really???? You expected a 'there, there' not your fault - naughty pony response?:confused:

Agree. As a mother myself I am gobsmacked that you took a child into a field with loose horses, one who is unpredictable apparently, and had your child in the vicinity of titbit feeding. Even horses we know well and who are normally calm around children can react. Never ever feed treats in a field either! Good grief!

I hope your daughter recovers well and is alright.

Twinkle Twinkle

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7 September 2006
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When young children go into our fields they must wear hard hats so maybe infuture you could do this with your daughter. I hope the little one is okay x


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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FC- My daughter has been kicked in the head I take it very personally.

Please don't put human values on a horse. Your daughter was in the way of a pony kicking out because another pony was being fed, it's called animal instinct. The ponies are not in the wrong, they were reacting to food, as they would in a herd. The owner is not in the wrong, even the best behaved pony can kick in this situation, food whilst loose in a field, so saying that it's her fault because the pony isn't well handled doesn't hold water.

The only animal/person in the wrong here is you for putting your daughter in harms way.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm sure you will have learnt your lesson, but you have to take full reponsibility for putting a 2 yr old in a dangerous situation.

Hope your daughter makes a full recovery.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I do hope that you got your daughter checked over by a doctor and that she is ok.

I also hope that you will learn from this that ponies, even the best-mannered amongst them, are unpredictable herd animals. It is very unusual for an owner to be able to control a pony's behaviour in the field from afar, so I really don't see how this accident could have been responsible.

IMO it should be a rule on every yard that young children NEVER go into the fields, for whatever reason.