Pony won't pick up one of his feet


Well-Known Member
20 April 2004
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My friend’s pony will not pick up one of it’s front legs, when you go to pick it up, he will drop to the floor almost onto his knee and when you can successfully pick it up, he refuses to place the opposite hind foot completely down and sort of stands on his toe.

He’s been like this for some time and the previous owner thought it was naughtiness but he allows you to pick up all 3 other feet.

I have told her to call the vet, she is very worried.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? He does not appear to be lame.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2004
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Yeah I know it’s a problem and not naughtiness, just wondering if anyone on here has experienced it before and can offer any advice which may help make my friend feel better whilst she waits for the vet to come out.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
Bristol UK
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Sounds to me like something has happed to him on that leg to make him reluctant to pick it up, horses who refuse to give one leg have usually suffered some sort of pain related problem, eg infection which has ment a lot of messing around poulticing etc, it could aslo have been accidental damage while working on that leg, it could be a number of things, but the main thing is he doesnt want you to have it! Try not to make too bigger deal of it, dont always pick out the feet in the same order try one front then the diagional hind, dont always leave the bad foot till last, confuse him a bit and keep at it. If he still doesnt let you have the leg dont get angry, keep your voice and body language soft, he needs to know that letting you have his foot is ok and when he does give it make a lot of fuss, dont hold it for long you can build up the length of time you can hold it up for later the main thing is that he is letting you have it. As for the opposite hind leg most horses while shoing the front will rest the opposite hind, why do they do this? Coz they can! Good luck, keep trying, wouldnt worry about calling a vet unless you think he is in pain or lame, vets are not there to solve behavioral problems. Good luck x


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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My old pony is like that. You have to drag is foot off the floor but it because he will not bend his knee. He does eventually but plays hard to get. But his is stiffness due to arthritis. I know it causes some discomfort so I am very quick about picking his feet out and the farrier is also quick when trimming him. Once his foot has been up for a while it takes him a good few seconds for him to be able to put his weight fully back on it again but he does. So we have to give him a bit before the other leg is done.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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DEFINITELY pain and not naughtiness! Mine had this but on one back leg. After lots of vets investigations a second-opinion vet diagnosed a pelvic rotation. My horse need some chiropractic on the spot, then rest and built slowly back up to work. I also gave him GlobalHerb's Bute-X as a supplement.

Until this has been sorted I'd not ride the horse, just walk him gently in hand or else give him field rest. Get the vet ASAP and it will probably also benefit from a chirpractor or physio too.

As for comforting your friend, I am sure the horse will come good again, he will need rest and care and possibly pain-relief and anti-inflammatories but it's not life-threatening or permanent. Just try to work with the leg as little as possible and get a vet but also a back person (a reputable one with recognised qualifications) as this sort of thing is their speciality. I'm sure the horse will be fine!