Poor herd introduction at livery yard

Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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My mares been in with the herd for the last month, they all get on so well. Polo ponies are great, so chill.

We have a new horse joining.. little to no introductions and it’s fully shod, known to be a kicker according to quite a few people.

I’ve put my mare back in the individual paddock.. feel bad but just can’t risk an injury.

Would you have done the same?


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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yes I would.

I've lost one to a kick in the field and then a few weeks later had mine kick another. I've had friend have to PTS after a broken leg after her lovely mare was put out with a known kicker by the yard staff.

I don't believe anything should be turned out for the first time with back shoes. Likewise I wouldn't turn out into a field with something with back shoes.

Introduction are done over a fence at mine and then around the hay feeder (with a divider) for a good couple of weeks until it is clear everyone is comfortable. They still have a bit of a charge around when you first open the gate but it reduces the chance of any nastiness.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2012
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Would you have done the same?
Yes. You were between a rock and a hard place. Arzada has always lived in a herd except for a short spell in a pair. Individual turnout is something I have always thought I would never choose but honestly you had no choice. Sad to say I think I would have done the same thing. Just make sure that if things go awry in the herd that the fully shod, known to kick newcomer isn't removed from the herd and lobbed in with your mare.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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My mares been in with the herd for the last month, they all get on so well. Polo ponies are great, so chill.

We have a new horse joining.. little to no introductions and it’s fully shod, known to be a kicker according to quite a few people.

I’ve put my mare back in the individual paddock.. feel bad but just can’t risk an injury.

Would you have done the same?

blxxdy hell, you are dead right i would