Poor ponies in Stow today... My small, young gypsy pony?!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2013
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I have been sat in my office in Stow on the Wold today and all I have heard is these poor ponies being hammered down through the square...its Stow fair this weekend.

When I look out the window some of them only look 2 years old and they are pulling 3 or 4 teenage boys around. To be fair from up here they do look in reasonable condition but they just go so fast on slippery tarmac... Combine that with brainless foreign tourists who never look where they are going and its an accident waiting to happen.

It makes me sad...and paranoid...my lurcher pup hasn't been allowed out of my sight for days and the ginger ninja is fed up of seeing me!! Pointless thread really...its just a long way from our mollycoddled, loved and protected beasties. I wonder if they know how lucky they are?!?! :D


Well-Known Member
27 May 2012
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Course the fair, friends I had ages ago said if was dreadful with parking, stuff walking etc. poor ponies.