Poor pony yesterday


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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I nipped out for a sunny walk to the shops yesterday afternoon and passed the playing field. Some young lads were having a kick-about and parked up off the pitch was a tethered 14hh cobby pony. Whether it was with the lads is anyone's guess, but there are several "driving" families within a hop and jump of the field and going by the piles it wasn't its first day visit there. I've seen them driving on the playing field before too, and I doubt if that or grazing is permitted, but there you go. I took a closer look at the pony on the way back and it came over to investigate my colourful shopping bag. It was fully clipped so presumably in work, but it was so THIN. You could have played a tune on its ribs and its haunches had no fat over them at all - hips all sticking out and spine very prominant. In fact it was every bit as thin as my old girl was the day she was PTS at rising 30. Poor little sausage. I see them hammering past the end of my road most days, causing traffic problems and no lights or fluorescents on of course. One got loose last year and trashed a couple of cars with the cart. Ponies living in back gardens of council houses and being raced on the A6 at night, its a disgrace. But no-one does a damn thing about it.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
Solihull, West Mids
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Everything is so PC these days, and there are so many rights. Police seem to live in total fear of putting their foot in it or getting involved in any action where there could be repercussions.+


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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Where a horse is being abused or neglected then the Welfare organisations will inspect the horse concerned.
World Horse Welfare cover the whole U.K. and you can contact their welfare helpline.

Trouble is, they have to see the horse first, and I can't definitely say where it is kept. I wasn't exactly going to whip my camera phone out and take pictures of it either given that I'm small, middle aged and was on my own at the time. I suppose I could try the council given that I'm pretty sure you can't take horses onto public playing fields, let alone tether them for grazing. I hope it wasn't there too long as it was a black cob (although clipped as I said) and it was very hot yesterday, but there was no water available.