Poorly Dog?? Any Suggestions!


Well-Known Member
8 May 2007
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Hi Guys,
I've never posted in here b4, and I apologise as this could turn out to be long!! I'm looking for some advice on my little dog. He's a 6year old JRT x Maltese terrier. He's totally beautiful and the most wonderful, happy little dog you could ever wish for. We live at a village shop and he loves all the customers as they do him - especially the children. He loves socialising with everyone and is generally a really bright, happy chap.
However for the past week or so we have noticed that he has become quite depressed, uninterested in anything, all he wants to do is lie in his bed or tuck himself away in my mum's post office. He has also been scratching like mad - he lies on his back and scratches his back like crazy - his hair is falling out in clumps and there's even some bald patches developing. We've treated him for fleas with Frontline and he's been wormed. As you can see from the pic below (hopefully, if my first attempt at uploading a pic has worked!) hes a fluffy boy and needs regular clipping - which he's no-where near due for. His skin isn't red, flaky, scurfy, weepy or dry.
There are two things that jump out at us that could have something to do with Bill being under the weather : 1 - He comes with me to the yard most nights when I do my horse and in true JRT fashion gets into most things. He sniffs about for Rats etc, but up until about 10 days ago had never even got close to one but one day when my dad was doing my stable for me he heard a funny noise and he thinks that Bill had caught a rat, he had dropped it, dad then knocked it on the back of the head and thought nothing more about it.
2 - About 14 days ago we had our carpets cleaned at home, they were shampooed and treated with a pet treatment for unwanted guests etc. Obviously the chap who did the carpets knew we had a dog and knew he'd be on the carpets, so the fluids used were pet - friendly.
So, mum took Bill to our vet on Tuesday - he thought he'd had an allergic reaction to the carpet cleaner stuff and gave him an anti-inflammatory jab and applied some drops like frontline to him for fleas and fox - mange?? Told mum we should bath him as much as poss as it would make him feel better and would wash any residues from the carpet cleaner etc off his coat.
Well its now Friday and there's no real improvement in the little chap. He's soo depressed and all he wants to do is sleep and be on his own - very unusual he always wants to be by your side. I took him out to the field last night and he seemed ok, but not his usual bouncy self.
Sorry this is soo long but I wanted to explain in full!! Any suggestions?? We're taking him back to the vet tonight.
I would be really grateful for any insights/help/suggestions, although I may not be able to reply as am having trouble with home internet and am at work at present - altho I might be able to read any posts on a friends computer!
This is my boy :

Thanks in anticipation!!! And Lots of Cookies and Ice cream if you've got this far x


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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What a gorgeous dog. Does sound to me like a reaction to the carpet treatment. Even though you are treating him is he still going on the carpet? My Mum had a GSD who was constantly chewing her tummy and had no hair on her flanks, vet put it down to allergy to the carpet which was Scotgard treated. Tried loads of different shampoos, tablets and nothing worked. The dog came to live with me, (Mum passed away) and she is either outside or on quarry tiles in the house. All the redness and itchiness has gone and she has grown all her hair back. Perhaps try keeping him totally off the carpet if you aren't doing this already and see if that helps. Hopefully the vet can give you some answers tonight.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2007
Glos, UK
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He looks gorgeous
My goldie (though a lot older than your boy) recently had very similar symptoms. She's on a low dose of steriods which really seems to be helping.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2006
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He's absolutely sweet! It does sound like something external rather than mites or mange. Can you go over the carpet again with just water to get rid of any residue? Homebase or B & Q usually hire out the carpet shampooers. It's possible he picked something up from the rat....possibly Weils Disease? Don't know what the symptoms are but I know it's nasty and needs treating asap. In humans it causes flu like symptoms so could possible be it?

Let us know how he gets on x


Well-Known Member
5 February 2007
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I would probably go with some kind of allergic reaction. Our JRT had really pink feet and wouldn't stop chewing them. Tried to work out what it was but nothing at home had changed, come to the conclusion it must have been something from outside on his walks - we thought perhaps the council had sprayed the grass verges. So we just used cold water to spray his feet off and kept him off the verges. It has now imporved and his hair is starting to grow back a bit (he did have hairy old man feet). Although it did take a fair while to improve the cold water seemed to soothe him a bit. As has been said before perhaps it is because he is still coming into contact with the carpet. Sorry cannot be of more help and hope he's feeling better soon.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2007
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Hello, thank you all so much for your suggestions. Went to vet Fri night and saw another partner, she examined him all over, took temp, listened to heart, felt his glands etc and said that as he had stopped scratching and the hair had stopped coming out it was likely to be a reaction to the carpet cleaner stuff. But with regards to him still being under the weather she thought that he had a upper respiratory infection as during the day on Fri he had developed quite a sniffly nose and his eyes were quite dull and his glands were swollen and he really coughed when she felt his throat. So he had a anti-biotic jab and we have a course of AB tablets to give him for the next 5 days. If no better take him back for some blood tests.
However I am pleased to report that he has perked up today - quite considerably. His eyes are brighter and he seems happier in himself. Obviously will keep a close watch on the little chap, but we feel really encouraged by how he is today

Poor little man, with an allergic recation and resp infection to deal with, no wonder he was feeling down.
So glad you all like him - he is very special and the most adorable friend. Will put some more pics of him up - should they go in here or photo gallery?? Thanks again!!