Poorly Spots (Advise Please)


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
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Harv came in with a fairly small (about 2 inches but very thin) cut from the field yesterday - lots of blood but only small injury.

There was a tiny bit of heat nothing major. When trotted up on the way down he was 99% sound and on the way back up he literally couldn't trot.

Didnt know if he was half putting it on in order to have the day off so I left him in as normal over night.

Went up this morning, it's pretty swollen but not in discomfort when I touch it or put pressure on it. Trotted to what I could see again about 95-99% sound. He's having today and tomorrow off in any case to be sure.

Would you say he's okay or would you keep him off work etc until the swelling goes down and he's 110%?
I've bathed it in cold water twice now to help with the swelling.

Sorry dumb question - massive panic-er when it comes to him being even remotely poorly!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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TBH I wouldn't bother panicking - that never does any good! but I would get this cut checked by a vet, he may need anti-biotics. Having lost a mare who was under vet care to septicaemia, I would never take the risk.


New User
24 April 2014
Bristol, UK
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I'd say you've done exactly the right thing, don't panic... If he has today and tomorrow off work and is still not sound on Saturday then I would say call the vet, but I wouldn't worry too much until then :) As well as cold hosing you could maybe put some sudocreme or purple spray on the cut to aid healing, although this may prevent the vet being able to put prescribed creams etc on the cut. Saying that they are both very effective on small cuts. Hope he is feeling better soon :)