Portrait of King Kevin Kat.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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What a handsome boy, glad he is eating and drinking a bit. Are his teeth ok or have you already had them checked
Yes, thank you for asking. Vet looked at Kevin' teeth and said "Hmmm. They're not very clean are they? I agreed that they weren't, but they had been until Kevin had decided that he wasn't going to eat any more kibble of any type/brand/IBS- specific. She peered closely and didn't make any further comment. I imagine that she would have mentioned it if she had noted any issues.
From the last time he successfully bit me, because he didn't want to be wrapped like a papoose and dropped , tail first, into his cat carrier, his teeth are absolutely fine!
I've just returned from the local shop, with fresh sliced roast beef. Put a slice in front of Kevin. Instant inhalation, plus good amount of warm water and semi-skimmed milk.
Lots of luxurious stretches, slow blinking narrowed eyes, and then got down to serious sunbathing in the wheelhouse.
Small victories.

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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I am very smitten with him - he is a 'proper' tabby isn't he? So seldom see them these days, I wonder why that is? I do hope he continues to deign to eat suitably warmed offerings, I hope you bow and scrape deferentially as you quietly approach with his feast on a golden platter. Its all very important to these ancient Dynasties you know. 😊😍


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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I am very smitten with him - he is a 'proper' tabby isn't he? So seldom see them these days, I wonder why that is? I do hope he continues to deign to eat suitably warmed offerings, I hope you bow and scrape deferentially as you quietly approach with his feast on a golden platter. Its all very important to these ancient Dynasties you know. 😊😍
I have conveyed your kind remarks to HRH Kevin Kat. He thanks you for your kind comments. He wishes you lived nearer. You would be a much more suitable class of domestic help.
He has his meals on Mason Ironstone cat dishes
I would think 10 seconds, just to try to take the chill off it? If it still feels cool then maybe another 10 seconds? I don’t think I’d warm it more than that (I’m working on thinking how our newish 800w microwave works though)
Instructions followed, Ma'am. All correct and happy in the Court of King Kevin Kat!

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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Could he be served roast chicken with gravy? One of mine sits on the chair at the table hoping I'll set a place for her! 😄

Is he allowed sardines in tomato sauce on his refined diet? CPL use that as bait.


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10 October 2022
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Don't know if you've already tried it but when my cat was very ill and refusing to eat/drink I would give him water in a syringe (he was very used to syringing as he took medicine this way) and also the gravy from his cat food. I also mushed up the meat chunks, mixed with water if needed, to make a disgustingly smelly 'soup', and syringed that into him and did it every few hours, a tiny bit at a time - think they were 3ml syringes.
Hope he feels better, and he is absolutely gorgeous, of course.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Could he be served roast chicken with gravy? One of mine sits on the chair at the table hoping I'll set a place for her! 😄

Is he allowed sardines in tomato sauce on his refined diet? CPL use that as bait.
Thank you for the above information. I'll persevere with the roast beef, since King Kevin Kat has seen fit to swallow a large slice of it, and drink a half pint of warm milk and warm water.
His record with cooked fish is rather patchy. Sardines - yeuch! Pilchards - double yeuch! Tuna - You're 'Aving A Larf. Salmon in olive oil - lovely for three months, now - Can't Stand It! Take It Away! And, by the way, kindly don't insult me with any more Felix rubbish. I've decided that I liked eight out of twelve of them. Now I don't like any of them. I suppose I might like Whiskas . . . No, I don't care that you've broken your money pot.
Your problem. Not mine. Go away. I'm Not Well.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Just warmed a previously disdained Felix pouch of ?
Hah! Success!! Kevin Kat says "Ta, Auntie Maxidoodle. I'm glad Someone has helped me. I'm stuffing my previously Staaarved little innards. Kat Mother has said "Little and often". Dunno what that means, and currently don't care. Laters". King Kevin Kat.

I've read posts about your Kevin Kat before, so nice to finally get to see his royal highness, a most handsome cat.

Glad to hear Maxidoodle's suggestion about heating his food helped. That's the same what the veterinarian told me to try with my now late Berta the Cornish Rex a few years ago. They said that warming up the food makes it smell more, and if you can't heat up the food itself directly, adding a tiny amount of warm water on top of the food just before serving can sometimes also be enough to make it smell more appetising.

Personally, my family's secret weapon when it comes to a cat who refuses to eat anything, have for many years been canned mackerel in tomato sauce.

If the cat refuses to eat that, we know that there is absolutely nothing else in our house that they will eat, and they're probably very sick.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Hope your handsome Kevin Kat is doing okay @Ratface .
Dear FinnishLapphund,
I am commanded by HKH Kevin Kat to thank you for your kind enquiry concerning his health.
Kat Slave has finally understood his food requirements: Felix assorted flavours in a neat little box of twelve assorted meat flavours. He is delighted (for now) with this choice, and is bolting them down at great speed. Together with warm goat's milk, a warm blanket at night and a sunny wheelhouse during the day and the occasional stroll up to the boatyard, he is doing well. (paws and fingers crossed).
He's put on some weight and his backbone is less obvious.
Long may it continue!
Kind regards,
Kat Slave.
PS. It certainly beats the £5+ per day that he was costing me to try roast beef, red salmon, roast chicken before! Let's hope he doesn't decide to dislike Felix as well . . .

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
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Dear FinnishLapphund,
I am commanded by HKH Kevin Kat to thank you for your kind enquiry concerning his health.
Kat Slave has finally understood his food requirements: Felix assorted flavours in a neat little box of twelve assorted meat flavours. He is delighted (for now) with this choice, and is bolting them down at great speed. Together with warm goat's milk, a warm blanket at night and a sunny wheelhouse during the day and the occasional stroll up to the boatyard, he is doing well. (paws and fingers crossed).
He's put on some weight and his backbone is less obvious.
Long may it continue!
Kind regards,
Kat Slave.
PS. It certainly beats the £5+ per day that he was costing me to try roast beef, red salmon, roast chicken before! Let's hope he doesn't decide to dislike Felix as well . . .
That's very good to hear! Xx


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Dear FinnishLapphund,
I am commanded by HKH Kevin Kat to thank you for your kind enquiry concerning his health.
Kat Slave has finally understood his food requirements: Felix assorted flavours in a neat little box of twelve assorted meat flavours. He is delighted (for now) with this choice, and is bolting them down at great speed. Together with warm goat's milk, a warm blanket at night and a sunny wheelhouse during the day and the occasional stroll up to the boatyard, he is doing well. (paws and fingers crossed).
He's put on some weight and his backbone is less obvious.
Long may it continue!
Kind regards,
Kat Slave.
PS. It certainly beats the £5+ per day that he was costing me to try roast beef, red salmon, roast chicken before! Let's hope he doesn't decide to dislike Felix as well . . .

Dear His Royal Highness Kevin Kat
(or Hans Kungliga Höghet if he prefers that)

I thank you for your approval of allowing us beings of lower status to know about how you're doing. It's much appreciated. We're very happy to hear that the current slavery situation doesn't show any signs of changing.
With the most respectful regards
The persons whose cats wishes their slave was as well-behaved as HRH/HKH Kevin Kat's slave
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