Possible loan pony.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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A Connie has come up for loan near me. Has had a tendon injury so now only able to hack. He sounds ideal. What exactly would a tendon injury make difficult? We have very steep hills up and down to lovely hacking. Owner trained this boy to medium dressage and he did jump too. What would likelyhood of him staying sound be? As a loan would you even consider this? I genuinely only want to hack. Owner is local. Not sure if I would just worry constantly I’d break him! Appreciate thoughts and experiences in post tendon injury horses. Apparently he had six months off initially then reinjured it!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Sounds as if he could be ideal for what you want, in principle. And of course the beauty of the loan is he goes back if he does his tendon again. However, if he reinjured it a second time there’s every chance it will go again - so be mindful of that.
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Well-Known Member
18 April 2015
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I would call them! He might just be ideal, and the owner would be on hand to give advice if needed. If you don't want to tear around it might be the perfect life for him, remember that even after such an injury most horses benefit from appropriate exercise. Be specific with the owner about what you want to do with him, then it is down to them and their vet to decide if it would be beneficial for the horse.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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The horse that I share had a tendon injury, he had a year off and was retired from eventing, he continued with dressage at med/ adv med and still jumped round at a metre (just for fun). It's now over ten years years since his injury and fingers crossed he is still sound and happy. I would definitely consider this connie, he might be just the job!

Melody Grey

Well-Known Member
14 April 2014
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I think you could be a quieter life that could be perfect for this horse (and you!) by the sound of it. Worth a phone call telling them what you have to offer.

I wouldn’t stress about the tendon going again- if you’re doing a lower level of work (presumably happy hacking?), I don’t think you have much to fear. If the tendon does go again, the horse certainly wouldn’t have stood up to anything more than the presumably lower level of work you’d be offering anyway and could well have done enough to cause it in the field.