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My mare had two minor colicky type incidents over the summer. Both times she displayed the usual colic signs, curled lip, biting her side, trying to roll etc. Both times I walked her around and after about 5 or 10 minutes, she farted and then quickly recovered, and was back to her normal self. As she is kept on sandy soil, I did wonder if it could be the sand causing these incidents. I have read that with sand colic, you sometimes get several boughts of mild colic over a longish period of time, before getting a really nasty one. I sent her poo to be tested by Westgate labs and it came back as 3% sand. I decided to give her a course of Equimins Sand Ex pellets and then sent off the second test to Westgate. I’ve just had the results and it’s still at 3%! I’m now really confused! Is 3% a high reading? Westgate Labs give virtually no information on their website. Doe this result mean that the sand ex didn’t work or that it wasn’t the sand that caused the colic incidents? Can anyone shed any light on the results?