Post covid fatigue


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11 June 2019
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We’ve all had covid in this house.
im mid 30’s, double vaccinated. Otherwise usually healthy.

I am whacked, my energy levels massively affect my mood as well so in turn I’m having a bit of a depressive lull. I don’t want to do anything other than lay on the sofa which is not me at all.

still got a sore tickly throat, cough, testing negative. Over 2 weeks ago now.
please tell me I’m not the only one feeling like this?


Well-Known Member
20 February 2021
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Yes you really need to rest and let your body heal, listen to what it’s telling you, long covid is no joke. I read some research recently that even in very mild cases it takes the body at least a month to recover and usually longer, even if the person feels well at the time it’s doing all sorts of sneaky damage to people.
Lots of rest, definitely don’t push the exercise and make sure you’re getting the vitamins you need.


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13 November 2012
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A few years ago I had flu. I'd been vaccinated and, I assume because if this, it was relatively mild. It took 6 months before I could walk and talk or laugh without coughing. I was fatigued to some degree or other for a good year. Viruses in general eff you up. Covid is a nasty one. Take your time and don't push. Two weeks is nothing.


Well-Known Member
5 July 2021
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Echoing everyone else. I had an exceptionally mild bout of Covid a couple of months back but energy-wise it wiped me out. I have learned through bitter experience with viruses in the past that you absolutely have to listen to your body. If it's telling you to rest, then for god's sake rest. Hope you start to feel better soon.


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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I had Omicron in December, although I didn't realise it at the time.
It has taken me up until now to start to feel better - the fatigue was bad. I was having to stop for rests after doing very little, sleeping a lot during the day and at night. I also had a cough, and gut symptoms including loss of appetite/throwing up. I also felt very depressed, unusually for me.
I decided to rest for as long as it took, and I'm feeling much better now (if not quite 100% yet).
I know other people who have experienced quite severe fatigue too despite the initial Covid infection being relatively mild.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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It took me 3 months to get over the general fatigue. It was dire in the first 6 weeks after being ill. I was almost fine during being ill... bit of a cough and a cold. And that behind the eyes feeling. But when I was supposedly over it, even making a cup of coffee was exhausting.

When I was a whole generation younger, I was very sporty. Trained for a marathon through a chest infection. Ended up with post viral stress syndrome. It took me well over 6 months to walk 500m without getting puffed!


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12 April 2008
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I read somewhere about someone who had Long Covid and they used the Arc Equine on themselves and it got rid of it. Might be worth trying to borrow one from someone or I think you can hire them.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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I had Omicron in December, although I didn't realise it at the time.
It has taken me up until now to start to feel better - the fatigue was bad. I was having to stop for rests after doing very little, sleeping a lot during the day and at night. I also had a cough, and gut symptoms including loss of appetite/throwing up. I also felt very depressed, unusually for me.
I decided to rest for as long as it took, and I'm feeling much better now (if not quite 100% yet).
I know other people who have experienced quite severe fatigue too despite the initial Covid infection being relatively mild.

yes I feel very down as well, which is adding to the lethargy.
i was rather ill for 2 days, then bit like a bad cold for for a week or 2 and now headaches, sore throat plus that absolute drained feeling.


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1 March 2011
NW Hampshire
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Same. I normally just shrug things off and thought this would be no different, but after the 'cold' came tightness in the chest and breathlessness. Today felt a little better - 12 days from onset, but I'm still not fit for much.
Agree with those who have found it affects mood. I'll be glad when I'm back out riding.


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25 August 2010
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I had it in August and still don't feel right taste and smell still not normal, I'm 50 and have been going through menopause as well which hasn't helped I'm also now anemic and am struggling to put weight on and feel tired mid afternoon could easily have a sleep most days.


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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My advice would be;
  • Sleep if/when you feel tired.
  • On the days that you start to feel better - still rest, and pace yourself.
  • Eat even if your sense of taste/smell/appetite is affected.
  • Sit down for 10 minutes if you start to feel breathless, shaky-legged, faint - things will wait.
  • Reduce 'work' as much as you can- paid or horsey.

It does pass, even the low mood - and gradually you can do more. :D


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I don’t want to scare anyone, but please listen to your body. I got Epstein Barr when I was 11 and it sent my immune system into absolute meltdown afterwards. I was originally diagnosed as having post viral fatigue/ME and then it was discovered that it was actually an auto immune disease triggered by the virus. I have been living with my condition for 27 years now.
My advice would be to give your body the best chance. Get on some vitamin supplements and eat as much good food as you can. Don’t push yourself when you feel really bad because it will come back and bite you on the backside.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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I don’t want to scare anyone, but please listen to your body. I got Epstein Barr when I was 11 and it sent my immune system into absolute meltdown afterwards. I was originally diagnosed as having post viral fatigue/ME and then it was discovered that it was actually an auto immune disease triggered by the virus. I have been living with my condition for 27 years now.
My advice would be to give your body the best chance. Get on some vitamin supplements and eat as much good food as you can. Don’t push yourself when you feel really bad because it will come back and bite you on the backside.

I’ve been taking lots of extra vitamin D as well as advised from someone on here, can’t hurt!


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22 May 2014
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Anecdotal, but I have yet to meet my new manager, as he’s been off work post-infectious-Covid-period since about Christmas time. Fully jabbed/boosted, healthy, fit man, in his 50’s, but the fatigue and exhaustion has persisted, long after the rest of his family had all fully recovered. He was due to start a phased return to work last week, but his first 30 minute trip to the supermarket left him unable to move for the rest of the day, so it’s been put back again.


23 October 2015
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Im struggling i had it bad ended up in ICU with the Cpack machine breathing for me just over a year ago now i got it 19th Nov 2020.
I did have livestock but after 14 months of trying to get fit again i decided the best thing to do was let them go i would have really struggled to lamb this year and something had to give. I also used to do a lot of dog agility and herding but not done any since covid other then when she went awol!
Im going to try riding a bit more and see if if i can build up more strength and stamina.
Im ok with my animal care routines so riding is my next goal. But only got about 25% back to normal days out take ages to recover from its bonkers im hoping they will be able to do more for long covid as more studies get done. Lastly my eye sight has taken a nose dive it would be interesting to know if more have this issue and my sense of smell has come back really strong. Had to throw out some herbal tea bags as i could smell them in the cupboard and it was making me feel sick! Random!
Sorry babbling on your post hope some of it is useful or interesting!
Becky ???‍♀️??‍♀️?


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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With me, the first time round, the tiredness lasted nearly 12 months. Vaccination gave me another round of tiredness (4 months that time). Latest bout (would have been omicron) was much milder and the tiredness only lasted a month or so. I have baby ponies to help my kids back and stuff to do - I am so done with the Covid exhaustion!!!


Well-Known Member
12 June 2012
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Isilme I have the same problem, my sense of smell is just too overwhelming now. I lost it for two months but now it’s back and is getting more and more sensitive. I bought an oil diffuser yesterday to put at the side of the bed in the hope that I could somehow tune myself in to good scents.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2014
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Wish I hadn't read this ? on day 5 now, sore throat and ear ache terrible on Friday through Sunday. My heart rate taken in A&E on Friday was 180! I'm just feeling knackered now but it's only me and a 3 year old at home so got to get on with it. I'm off to stock up on some vitamins.


Well-Known Member
16 October 2008
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I got COVID on NewYears Day and thought it no worse than a mild cold. Until about 2weeks later and I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. Even now nearly 7weeks later although I’m starting to feel better if I do too much one day I simply can’t do much the following day so have to pace myself.
Be kind to yourself don’t rush to feel OK and you’ll get there.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2020
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I hope you feel better soon OP.

I had covid in March 2020, bad, and I'm still fatigued and not myself almost 2 years later. My lungs are shot, I'm just recovering from pneumonia and pleurisy as I can't seem to fight off any virus without it going to my chest now.

It's a horrid thing and not always just a mild cold for some of us.