post laminitis recovery - anyone jumping happily ?


18 January 2012
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Right - we have a very well managed 22y/o cushings positive pony who is on pergolide ( has been for 2 years since diagnosed after his first laminitis episode) and has his levels checked bi annually and is well controlled.
He got very stressed 2 months ago as he had to be kept out of his field due to ground works going on and showed the first early signs of laminitis - basically slightly footy and a bit of heat. - normally he is turned out on poor pasture and in at night with no issues. He does not have EMS. Vet thinks ironic I have a pony who got laminitis being kept out of his field ! He is quite highly strung divaesque welsh B.
The same day he was footy - he was on bute and wearing clogs, which worked brilliantly for him at his last attack 2 years ago and he returned as good as new.
As soon as clogs were on this time he was sound and much happier. Stopped but after a few days and still sound. My farrier is a very experienced remedial farrier.
He has had his clogs removed today after 7 weeks and has been shod with normal shoes with a pad and seems fine. ( cantering round school loose as he was in his clogs).
Farrier thinks is ok to crack on and start riding him again - but I am interested in any experience anyone has of what level he may return to after this second all be it very mild attack. He is not thought to have any evidence of pedal bone rotation.
Prior to this he was competing elem BD and jumping 80 cm extremely happily. Is it realistic to expect him to get back to this or would hacking and occasional pop round a 50cm clear round be the summit of our aspirations for him ?
He is very fit and well and not really ready to retire.
He is only 12.2, but his rider is equally mini and weighs 4 stone, he would only jump on a surface and is very well managed and looked after and never overused. welcome any replies or case studies of similar cases. Thanks.