Post Op Blues

27 July 2016
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Any ideas for a horse who's used to living out with my other 3 ponies being on 8 weeks box rest who seems to be suffering from post operative blues? He's off his feed a bit yet perks right up when he goes outside and will eat grass?


Well-Known Member
14 August 2016
South. Very south.
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Is it possible do a little outside yard or pen for him? Not big enough that he can kick up his heels, just a little area for some fresh air and sun.

Maybe something like this? I've also seen small portable metal-fenced pens for horses in my internet travels, can't seem to find them now. I think it was a UK based company that also made henhouses and chicken coops who made them. I'll keep hunting.
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27 July 2016
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I can graze him in hand and on Monday his stiches come out so he has to have 2 5mins walks a day so that should help him perk up a wee bit. After the first 8 weeks he's then on 8 weeks in a small pen.

I'm probably panicking too early as he's on a new yard, in a stable but I'm troubled by him not getting his bute in him.


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6 January 2012
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I've got similar problems with my boy who's 4 weeks post op - another 2 weeks box rest then out in small paddock - watching thread with interest!

Re the bute - have you tried asking your vet for Danilon instead? My boy preferred it to bute and ate it in his food no problem.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2015
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Have you tried feeding him when you take him out to graze in hand? I was slightly confused is it the bute causing him not to eat or the being in? Or a bit of both?

I had the same issue with my guy last winter, didn't happily eat bute or danilon, tried all the tricks, even giving it orally but it didn't mix well with water and I was concerned as had read it can cause ulcers in the horses mouth(?). I ended up doing 4 big chaff feeds and splitting the dose across the feeds. It was so diluted he didn't seem to notice. Being tb and the middle of winter the extra feeds didn't cause a waistband issue!

you have my sympathies box rest is horrid as an owner and even worse for the horse
27 July 2016
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To be honest I have no idea what's stopping him eating, only thing I can think of is it's being in the stable.
He's off everything except grass and he only perks up when he's out of the stable so I'm guessing he's just miserable in as he normally lives out 24/7. When I go to put him back in he plants his feet for a bit but will eventually go in then he stands in the darkest spot with his head by his feet.
I've started giving him 3 small meals of just chaff with his bute which in time he eats.
I'm probably over panicking but colic and ulcers worry me, and not going through this before probably makes me even worse!
Have called my vet to discuss things, will keep you posted