Post surgery rehab


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24 August 2019
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Hello again..
Well, my horse turned out to be positive and long story short, had rig surgery 4 weeks ago. Tough going emotionally and fairly substantial surgery for him, but he's through 3 weeks box rest now, with some short in hand walking, and turned out to small winter paddock daily.
For the next phase, because abdominal wall still at risk, Vet advised 2-3 weeks in hand walking 2-3 times a day. (no walker on yard) and gently under saddle, walk only, for 2weeks..(8 weeks all told)
So.. How can I safely bring a bit of variety for all this walking for the two if us for the next few weeks.?!
He's in good form after all the stress, including quite a lot of swelling post surgery, back to himself and I'd say eager to go.!
A bit bargy but not too bad all things considered..
I've realised that in hand walking can be exhausting.!
I'm thinking simple pole walking, pole corridors etc.. Any ideas.??
The yard can be busy with some quiet times, but has a good big arena, small one also as well as spaces to walk around..
Thanks in advance. ?


Well-Known Member
14 September 2011
Vets are very quick to jump to ridden work, I would say take the chance to build his posture of you can. Get a copy of Jec Ballot 55 Exercises, it's not my absolute fave course but is mostly posturally good, and gives you lots of ideas. Try and develop your eye even further as to HIWOW he needs to move through an exercise for it to actually be beneficial, and only do what he can manage reasonably well, tension is the enemy of correct work and therefore correct posture/musculature.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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If he gets fresh I find it helps to walk where you are always turning a corner or direction so have a circuit round the yard I use which I can keep changing to keep them thinking it includes walking into the barn along the corridor and out again so I sometimes pop into their stable do some posture stuff and back out again and loop of schools with some walk poles .
Poles can seriously inflame horses who like jumping so you have to careful with that and know your horse sometimes I would not even try that .
If and when poles are appropriate it often helps to do it for straight after small space turn out as you lead them in as they are more relaxed and settled horses in fly breathing dragon mode don’t get much benefit from pole work .

Doing lots walks per day is best for most horses .

Some horses never settle at the early stage it just has to be got through.
Always wear a crash cap and use gloves .