Well-Known Member
Where are you Ellie?
New Forest
Where are you Ellie?
A pic of the whole saddle would be helpful too but it looks like a saddle cut for a high withered horse. It sat a little low in front in the first pic and now it’s sitting slightly too high, but the flocking will settle slightly.
If its any help lovely, I had a fantastic physio out yesterday (I've had her before) and she is super knowledgeable. I can pass you her details. She has recommended that I get J's feet xrayed as a matter of urgency, as his changes in his neck have been "caused" by something, and she said she wants to know why. She did say he still needs the injections in his neck, but if we don't find out why he has his changes then whats the point in medicating.
She might be able to travel to you, or possibly recommend someone she trusts?
Yes I was thinking of a properly chartered Vet Physio, ACPAT or similar registered
They'll want the ok from your vet to go in but they will do a full body work up and leave you with an exercise programme and plan of action
I have contacted an ACPAT one that I used a few years a go so hopefully I hear back from them soon.
My lady is exceptionally good as travels down to Southampton to a specific client on a regular basis so might be a possibility but obvs I don't know when?
For a persistently tripping horse though she'd probably say an x ray of the feet is the first thing to do, probably not the knees