Potential new horse but still got grass sickness fears


Well-Known Member
1 October 2009
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I’ve got the chance to buy a mare I used to own a few years ago. I’m going to see her tomorrow.

All being well I’ll bring her home this next week sometime. It’s not been long since Sox died of grass sickness and I’m very scared (and totally excited) with regard to the settling in stage of a new horse and new home.

Any tips from people who’ve gone on to have a horse after loosing one to EGS? I’m also looking on the grass sickness website. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2007
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Thankfully not dealt with it myself but in a hotspot which scares me. One seemingly protective factor is feeding hay daily and the addition of selenium in feed.


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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I am not sure of the up to date thinking but when I lost my gelding to EGS and saved my mare the vet suggested I should not graze my fields until after June for that year. I never introduce a new horse between January and the end of June and all horses must be over 9.

I feed hay before turnout or make sure there is hay in the field during the nasty months. I keep all horses at grass sometime each 24 hours and when they have to go away I get very concerned when they return.

21 years later I still follow this plan and, fingers crossed, had no more cases.

I was fixated on gut sounds for years and still get worried if there are not piles of poo in the stable. The worry fades but doesn’t disappear.

In spite of all our best efforts EGS happens randomly and we can only do our best according to the information we have at the time.

Hoping you can formulate a plan that works for you.