Potentially selling and worrying about their future- smaller ponies.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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Can I please ask for advise about what to do/WWYD in this situation.

Current count-

Number 1 pony- at diy livery near home, 12hh, 8 yo. done a lot competitively both ridden and driven, but no rider and no groom for him to be driven out at home means that he’s totally wasted and bored. Bored means that on the odd occasion that I do have a small to get on, he’s being cheeky and just generally seeing what he can get away with… has returned from previous loaner a year ago after a season showing ridden/WHP, scoped with a small low grade ulcer, treated well on one round of omeprazole and scoped clear- managed with ad lib-ish hay when in, no lami or ems.

Number 2 pony is out on loan, 12hh, 9yo, for another year- loaner would buy but both she and I agree that he can be cheeky/chuck in a buck if not kept ticking with a small adult once a week or so, and she would sell on at some point as her youngest outgrows… mild ems kept well in check by work and the right grazing, no meds.

Number 3 pony, 12hh, 20 yo was meant to be out on permanent loan, being returned in two weeks after three years. Is retired, definitely has ems, history of lami on good grass even when turned away in winter, copes fine on fell side/old grazing when limited in summer (which I do not have at my ex dairy farm livery) also has had ulcers, probably cushings from the sound of the return messages and I’ll know more when I can blood test him when he gets home. When last here, he bonded to his pair when turned out so strongly that he wouldn’t be seperated without severe anxiety, ended up sharing a stable with now-sold then 3 yo daft pony (4)

I’m facing facts that financially, I could do with a break from horses and realistically, with no regular groom, I have no way to exercise pony 1, who I’ve had since he was a foal at foot. Pony 2 is his full brother, bought as a yearling and they do make a nice driving pair together- not a national pair, but absolutely club/local level/showing etc, which is why I had them (when I also had a groom regularly)

I can’t justify not doing anything with them and equally, I’m genuinely terrified of selling them and finding them a few years down the line being ragged about by morons/hammered around/neglected.

I’ve had pony 1 advertised for loan for months now, and had two half hearted viewings that both loved him then had a change of circumstances that meant that they had no room/had to move yards, etc etc. I’ve now had to remove him from the market as pony 3 is returning and going into a pretty big & bolshy herd at my livery yard, so I’ve arranged to pen him off with pony 1 for company so he doesn’t get run about by the big young geldings in the herd. Time will tell if he’ll agree to his own stable after he bonds- I’m really hoping so.

Anyway… the plan was to extend the loan on pony 2 to next year (which I did) and loan out pony 1 until 2 was due to come back, then decide if I was going back to it after a break, or quitting and hopefully selling them as a pair rather than as two ridden ponies, to hopefully a more certain future with a pleasure driver. Pony 3 coming home has put a spanner in the works, and will need quite a lot of management, if he’s to stay here (again, I’ll be running bloods etc to make a decision on meds etc when he’s home).

To clarify, right now, moving to another yard is not an option- many reasons, but it isn’t- I’ve checked everywhere local.

Has anyone had anything similar? How do you cope with that fear? And what would you do?

Any advise happily received.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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I'd seriously be looking to pts pony 3, he's not young, he's not going to manage on your grazing, and he's not going to be easy to home somewhere else. As you've found, even permanent loans can come to an end

The other two, I think both are small enough they're likely to be in a home for a while and moved on. If they're good ponies (and they sound to be) they'll likely be good homes and they'll be well cared for.

Pony 2 in particular though might suit a good riding school home - mix of riders etc would work well, and likely a long term home


Well-Known Member
24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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Thanks guys-

In answer- yes, 1 and 2 go together as a pair, and have competed as such.

PTS pony 3 is in my mind, hence the bloods etc to see what we’re actually dealing with as I can’t justify PTS if he’s physically fine right now and will medicate (within reason) until the time comes. I’m a ‘week too early rather than a day too late’ but bringing him home and having him immediately PTS feels wrong for me, without checking first how he copes. Before pair bonding, he was happily settled in his own box, and out in a small herd- he’s absolutely fine. Just out with one pony, we have had the issues historically. He has always been this way- we have full history, he was a national level pairs pony and when his first pair was PTS, he really struggled too.

On a happier note, If anyone can figure what I’m doing wrong with my ad for pony 1, please do let me know!

Last pics are pony 1 and 2 out competing the last time out with me as a pair.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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For a loan, I'd consider making more of his ridden abilities. He's a good chunky pony and could do a competitive child a while. Does he hack? Alone? In company? Good in traffic
Successfully shown under saddle - at what level?
Also, more woah than go conveys a plaid to me and he doesn't look it.
Forward mannerly well schooled would imo do him more justice


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24 November 2011
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Thank you- yes, he does it all and in heavy traffic… and up to BSPS champs for showing, was doing HOYS performance quals and heritage WHP happily with previous loaner. Thank you for the wording- will amend it once we’re readvertising. To me, he’s perfection (biased, much!!) and I couldn’t understand the total lack of interest.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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He sounds an absolute dude. Me plus tack would be closer to his 20% than I'd like unfortunately, that and I've got my hands full and pockets empty with what I have already 😆


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I def think you need to make more of his ridden CV you’ve missed most of it off he sounds great and has results. It’s going to be a bigger market than driving options wise. If loaning I also wouldn’t mention the ulcer until you’ve spoken to people as I don’t think it’s a big deal.

There is of course an argument to sell both 1 and 2 but that depends on where your head is on that I think.

It would be nice for them to stay as a pair but I don’t think you want number 2 back just to try and sell them as such.


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25 November 2005
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They look lovely and in common with many ponies they need work!

I'm afraid I would PTS no 3 too. I know he isn't ancient, but he has a series of health problems and will be very difficult for you to look after properly. Thinking about it is awful, but you will be doing the right thing for him knowing the end is peaceful and with people he knows. Once the deed is done (however much the grief) there is also a relief that their suffering is over and you did the best for them.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2020
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I had a similar dilemma with our pony as he had health issues. I was terried of selling him, so found a wonderful loan home who managed him, from day one, perfectly.

The little girl has had so much fun on him and he's taught her a lot.

I ended up gifting him to his little girl. Best decision for him, them, and me.


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24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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Just for anyone wanting an update, pony #3 has arrived home bright eyed and bushy tailed with nothing wrong with him (other than the usual fun with EMS Management!) and is happy to be back with his old time buddy again. So much so that after the first week of settling in which was a little stressy for him, he’s out muzzled on our winter paddock with said buddy, awaiting the rest of the herd moving in so I can integrate them steadily with him.

Upon drop off, it was apparent that it’s the loaner that’s very poorly rather than the pony.

And, he’s back under harness for gentle walk work to keep the EMS in check- he’s as sound as a pound and loving being back out 😂

Not at all my plan, going into winter with two, but while he’s happy and sound, we’ll keep up the steady pottering about and pick him up come spring ahead of the grass coming in. I’ll be blood testing his sugars shortly after some time on the winter grass and we’ll medicate him as needed.

I’ve lucked out and a rare stable has come available that suits us for the second on the yard to go into as well. We moved the kit into there for pony 1 on Sunday, pony 3 is in pony 1’s stable for comfort.

Helpful Yorkshire farmer YO walked past him being turned out and said ‘that’s the best looking dead ‘oss I’ve seen in years’… he’s lucky we know his sense of humour and that he deals with my ever changing plans.

And as a bonus, after three years of no work whatsoever, he put his head into his collar for me and went out with a skip in his step. The last time I drove these two together, a good four years ago, pony 1 was a baby and it wasn’t the most cohesive of our pairs- on our pootle out this week it’s clear that he is much better suited to 3 as he is now.

I drove them into the village and back and enjoyed every second, I’ll be honest. So although I do need to downsize quite a lot (wagon first!), I’m going to see where this goes next.

I have already joked that I’m just waiting for loaner of pony 2 to decide to send him home too, but luckily they adore him and I’m hoping this continues!! 🙈