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1 March 2024
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My 23 year old gelding hasn’t shed his winter coat, is drinking loads and peeing loads, not eating as much and is uncharacteristically lethargic. The vet tested ACTH levels and said they were in the grey zone and after a discussion about options we decided to try him on 1/2 a pink pill per day. 10 days later he was noticeably happier and more his usual self, but still not shedding his coat and not eating. I received the ACTH test results which was 19.9. My understanding is this is in the normal range?

Then yesterday my boy behaved completely out of character. I took him on a hack with two friends and he was very on his toes. Every time we rode on grass he was bucking and tossing his head and being silly. He had a couple of good canters and gallops, but didn’t settle down, so my friend and I decided to swap horses (she’s much younger and fitter than me!). When she approached to mount him, he reared coming down on my head (thank god for hard hats) and then slipped landing on top of me. I’m bruised, but absolutely fine!

I guess my questions are:

Has anyone experienced similar behaviour on the pink pill?

Is the pink pill the best treatment for a horse with a low ACTH level? I’m aware I know my horse inside out and may have recognised symptoms of cushings early.

If he remains on the pill will this behaviour settle?

He is prone to throwing his back out, so that’s being checked this week and I will, of course, be talking to my vet.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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Quite often the cushings can make them lethargic so when put on prascend they start feeling better so can get a bit more lively, hopefully he will settle over time once he has been on it a while.

My Louis was in a grey zone his only symptom was not shedding properly he still doesn't shed completely normal on half a pill, so I clip him all year round to keep him comfortable.