Prednisolone powder - side effects?


Well-Known Member
6 September 2008
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Long story short my horse had what we think is an allergic reaction which resulted in a large swelling on his chest. Vet came out prescribed prednisolone to help with the inflammation, we opted to do this orally as he is extremely vet phobic and there is a huge risk to both the horse and handlers when needles are involved so for everyone's safety I asked for the oral option. He is having 2 sachets twice a day for 3 days then the dose lowers. Anyway he had 2 sachets last night and he was very fresh so turned him out cantered around a bit before grazing. This morning he his standing in corner of his field no interest in me when I enter with a bucket of food. eventually got him to come over for his food, nibbled at it then just stood there. He was doing odd muscle tremors and a little headshaking (though I could be paranoid about the headshaking as recently lost on that way) As soon as I left the field he went back to where he was before. Has anyone else had side effects from this drug? If no improvement this PM I will get the vet back out but its such a stressful ordeal for him that I don't want to call them prematurely.


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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when not phone and speak to the vet? if you wait till later and need the vet the call out may be more costly, it may also be a colic brewing-not sure if they are a possible side effect of the pred


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1 January 2006
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When my mare was on preds she was very depressed, I would put her out in the morning, she would stand by the gate, head down, and still be there hours later. She made a full recovery, and when weaned off the drugs, returned to her usual self. Didn't have muscle tremors or headshaking though, so do phone the vet if you're worried.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2008
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Thank you for the replies. He has been grazing this afternoon, not with his usually gusto but is eating now. Still off colour but I feel happy monitoring him for now. The swelling has gone down on the allergic reaction but it still seems to be really bothering him. The vet said that it should be fine by Monday, poor boy is not having a great time of it.