preggers cat

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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my argument isn't with you per se, but with those who've been needlessly aggressive with the poor old Sophz (who I have to say, has behaved impeccably, despite provocation), for a subject which is neither of her making, nor her responsibility.

The final thinking must surely be, that it's only a cat, a preggers cat, it isn't the first, it most certainly wont be the last, and honestly, does it really matter? :D

If I lived closer to the OP then I may well put my name down for a kitten. I shot our poor old Pussy last week, she'd gone off her legs, and it's time that she was replaced.

Smile, go on, try it! :D



Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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Oh Alec, I'm always smiling! ;)

Yes it is 'only a cat', but a heavily pregnant cat bleeding isn't normal and so it could well be a cat that is suffering.

It's all very well rehoming the current litter, but she could then go on to have potentially another four/five litters every year. When you pick up the starving scraps that can't be rehomed and see how they suffer with flu etc. it is sould destroying to witness blase attitudes towards it.

The trouble is that often it starts out with one pregnant female, the owner doesn't bother rehoming/neutering and bingo - there is a massive welfare problem. A farm near me has ill and thin cats everywhere, it is almost a kindness when they get klilled on the road. Without being proactive the problem can escalate frighteningly quickly, and the local cat rescues, while doing a great job are stretched well beyond their capacities.

I know moomin1 can be a bit abrasive, and goodness knows I've crossed swords with her often enough, but she does have a point about the owners responsibility to his pets. I think her frustration at the situation has been directed at weesophz wrongly and I'm not sure that she meant to have a go at weesophz, who is obviously wanting to help; rather at the owner who should be sorting it.


Well-Known Member
21 September 2011
West o' Scotland.
ah thanks alec :D

left this thread to it cos it was all getting a bit agro for me :rolleyes:
shes absolutely fine, checked her yesterday and there was no sign of any blood, she seems totally fine in herself, ate all the tuna i took up for her and she was happy to let me feel about her belly. said to YOs step daughter about what id seen and she says that the cat had had the runs for a couple of days due to eating some off meat from the bin, so perhaps it wasnt dried blood i saw, just some poo residue haha :eek: