Prestige Timber Stable; experiences/reviews please 🙏

Sara Shirvani

New User
21 October 2013
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Hello again,

So I've got multiple quotes back now for my wee stable block (half won't come this far north 😓), by far the most affordable while also responsive to my queries and happy to do my personal touched (12 x 14 boxes, 6ft openings, removable partition, clear sheets front & back, underlined roof, 4x2 framing and some more 😅) has been prestige timber stables, Sunderland.

As this is a large investment for me, before I pull the trigger and go ahead with a block from them does anyone have any experience or reviews? So far during the enquiry stages they have been super helpful and responsive a so I've no reason to doubt them but I have been burned before and am a catious person in general so panicking about such a big outlay that I can't see in person first.

Thanks :)