Price of Grazing Land Per Acre in Your Area

Paddy Irish

Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
On one
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5 years ago we paid 25k for 7acres , some parts are quite sloped but are ok for the 2 shetlands , and the rest for the 2 big boys , drains well and is of a long linear shape , so great for electric fencing top to bottom and making the paddocks whatever size you like. No piped water but we pump from natural springs and it only takes 5mins. The local farmer sold to us after we bought the house as he's into veg growing big time and the field just wasn't a suitable size / gradient so we consider ourselves with a bargain .


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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We paid just over £30K per acre-v good quality,good draining,dry stone-walled. No other facilities but (even tho we bought at height of property market a few yrs ago) worth it to us as is adjacent to rest of our fields,secured our views&control of land &as they say, ' They ain't making any more land..' No prospect at all,ever,of any planning permiss(green belt,conservation area&area of special landscape value) but best money we spent. Oh yeah,no footpaths/other rights of way on/thru it either.


Well-Known Member
7 April 2007
East Anglia
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Some scary prices there!

I rent 2.4 acres with a barn and electricity, adjacent to my garden, The owner lives miles away and planted a wood behind the field, under a grant scheme. We have never discussed £££s but he always said he would never sell as adding that acreage to my property would make much more for me than it ever would for him.