Tips please as to getting that pulled look without pulling out the hairs- I use trimmers at the moment but on horses with thick tails it doesn't look great- how do those thinning combs compare?
does the rake pull or cut? are we talking bic razor or epilady style? my boy has a bush of a tail, but hes ticklish, everytime i touch under his dock he'll swish it the other side...need something non-tickish on him!
oh nice arse! how do you use scissors? i have a thinning/razor comb thing that i might tinker with but it will prob be blunt after doing his hairy armpits
I'm afraid the tail rake pic does look very obviously cut rather than pulled to me. I prefer to pull, but when a horse really dislikes it (despite doing it while warm, with oil of cloves on etc) I use thinning scissors which gives a similar effect to the rake.