Well-Known Member
Does anyody have experience with pyometra (infection of the womb)? Our dog has been diagnosed with this today.
She'll have surgery on Wednesday. Fortunately it is not all that severe (yet) - no raised temperature, vomiting or dehydration, and it's open pyometra so the pus etc can drain. Hopefully her kidneys have not been damaged yet. She is drinking lots and lots and has eaten virtually nothing for the last few days. Poor thing.
I'm a bit worried about the surgery, but hopefully she'll be ok. They will also remove a mammary tomour at the same time.
The vet has given her a shot of antibiotics, and we've also got to give her AB tablets today and tomorrow. We usually mix tablets into her food, but as she is not eating we can't do that this time! Any ideas how to get them into her?
I'm a bit worried about the surgery, but hopefully she'll be ok. They will also remove a mammary tomour at the same time.