Hi All, i just wanted to ask if its usual to ask to ‘do up’ a stable before my horse arrives, painting etc, would the livery yard be offended at this proposal?
I haven't ever seen anyone do this but I don't see the harm in asking, they might be quite grateful! Depends on the personalities involved I suppose I'd just try and phrase it as a sprucing up.
I don't have my own horse, but if ever I do I would expect the yard owner/manager to make sure the stable box was in good repair and safe before moving my horse in. Any aesthetic trimmings would be my own choice, and long as they are not garish or offensive, I don't see why there would be any opposition.
i know you haven't been on many DIY yards but this really tickled me.
There are YOs and YOs! I think mine would have a fit if I told him I was painting the stable. Not knowing the OP's YO i think it's fine to ask. I've been on a few yards where you might be allowed to woodstain the panels etc. but not a free choice of interior decor
Oh TBF I didn't even consider it would be a random colour, I just did mine white (as that was what it was before)… love the idea of wallpapering a stripey feature wall or something though! Ha!
Definitely ask before, but if just tidying up what is already there, they may well love the offer.
One of the (many) reasons I left an old yard was the YO's insistence that stables were regularly painted by the livery to keep looking clean. Given that she'd chosen to repaint them (well, chosen to make her liveries paint their own stable) from dark brown to white, I decided life was too short to be constantly repainting a stable white!
Hmmmm a nice Barbie pink stable can you imagine the yard owners face lol!
I did see a stable yard for sale once and someone had painted the stable doors pink, all the buckets and mucking out tools were pink as well obviously some kind of fetish.
We all have our own colour of kickboards, but the upper half has to be whitewashed annually ... most people do it after arriving, but if the stable was free we wouldn't mind if they wanted to come paint it before the horse arrived