Rain Ranting Thread


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Try having a pony with sweet itch who now needs to wear a SI rug because the midges are loving the warm/wet weather. I doubt my washing machine will see Christmas again.

To try to cheer people up because it can always be worse.

I arrive at the yard yesterday and bring pony into his stable. Pony is on a track that's only partly surfaced so there is lots of mud-particularly stuck nicely all around his feet. I glance down at pony's feet and see a clear red patch on the front of his near fore hoof wall near the top of the hoof. This is surrounded by mud so I have no idea how big the red patch is. Slight panic starts to set in as I think that pony has potentially taken a lump out of the hoof wall. I take pony out and tie him up so I can investigate. I get the hose and attach to the tap. I put the kettle on. I investigate in my first aid kit and take out anything that might be useful. I start to plan in my mind how he can be in if needed and wonder how much this vet's bills will be. I turn on the hose - very gently as pony hates the hose even if it's only on his feet. Pony starts to tap dance which doesn't make the hosing easy. Very slowly the mud starts to fall away and as it does so it carries away with it what looks like a very pretty small red leaf or petal. I stop hosing. I put pony back in the stable. Put my first aid things away and put the hose back. I use the boiled kettle to make a cup of tea and wonder if this is what I really want in life.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2011
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I try really hard not to whinge about the weather, and I appreciate its warmer and lighter now, but the rain and the mud!! Its getting soul destroying, I'm on clay and everywhere is disgusting, I'm so fed up with it now. Usually by now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but this year it seems relentless and the idea of a mud free life is like a mirage in the desert!


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5 October 2023
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I have taken to having my morning coffee in the greenhouse just to cheer myself up as I cant stand the garden being all boggy, rehab starts again for the hairy one this weekend and that will be less than pleasant if its like this all weekend.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2023
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Yesterday morning I opened the bedroom curtains to be met with the window ledge inside under water (thankfully whoever fitted the old windows has somehow managed to put the ledge on an angle so the water didn’t run off the front of the ledge), got up this morning and there’s a large puddle in the middle bedroom and that window ledge has its own puddle too. We’ve only a small section of roof off currently, so beams could be put in but the whole roof comes off next week 😮.

We have a large puddle leading to the field and it actually has pond weed growing in it! I don’t recall it ever raining this much in the UK. 🤪


Well-Known Member
14 October 2016
West Sussex
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My wellies have just split! Both of them have big splits at the ankles on both sides! So not just us that’s fed up of the weather and endless mud. I’ve put some duck/duct tapes over the splits for now. And my coat has smears of mud on it. So stylish! 🤣 I’m hoping the tape might mean I can finish the year without needing to buy a new pair until next winter. I’m being over optimistic aren’t I?!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2012
South Wales
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We're so waterlogged here but the grass is growing, perhaps powered by hydroponics?!? Even though he's still off the grass at night my super-grass-sensitive boy is already showing early warning lami signs :eek:😬🫣 I've had to keep him in, restricted to the yard... the fields are so wet I have no idea when I'll be able to build a track without it just being knee deep mud.

There's a tiny patch of blue sky outside my window right now, I think its taunting me 🤨😉

At least my cheapy dunlop wellies ae holding out, as I'm going to need to need mud mats!! Anyone want to buy a kidney? Second hand and excellent at processing caffeine.

Anna Clara

Well-Known Member
7 August 2019
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We're so waterlogged here but the grass is growing, perhaps powered by hydroponics?!? Even though he's still off the grass at night my super-grass-sensitive boy is already showing early warning lami signs :eek:😬🫣 I've had to keep him in, restricted to the yard... the fields are so wet I have no idea when I'll be able to build a track without it just being knee deep mud.

There's a tiny patch of blue sky outside my window right now, I think its taunting me 🤨😉

At least my cheapy dunlop wellies ae holding out, as I'm going to need to need mud mats!! Anyone want to buy a kidney? Second hand and excellent at processing caffeine.

I’m also struggling with needing to restrict grass but the areas I create get churned up and horrendous in a day.

Also really need to rest the top of my field, harrow and then reseed but the bottom is too wet for the horses and can’t get a vehicle on the mud anyway. Muck heap is full to bursting and needs to be spread but too wet for that too. Adding to it everyday as horses still coming in to give their legs a rest. Very almost cried this morning.


As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
9 March 2011
Tiny farm some where in UK
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I've managed by some miracle (well six months with no horses on and previous owners of house mowing field with ride on mower) to keep 4 of my 5 out 24/7 for the last 6 months but am now in desperate need of them to be able to be moved onto one part of the field while I harrow, roll and reseed the rest of it. Can't actually see this being possible for at least another month. I also wanted to send a horse to stud by the end of this month, but as it is she's still out and feral as if I start bringing her in daily she will trash the field even worse than it currently is. Sigh. Doesn't help that photo memories keep popping up of previous houses fields nicely rolled and resting in previous years.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I can’t even go shopping without getting battered by the weather 😳.

Did the usual horsey jobs and dog walk this morning in the mud, but at least it was dry.

Just been half an hour in the huge local Sainsbury's, and while in there we could all hear a torrential rain shower hammering on the roof.

Came out to find my car is now standing in a couple of inches of floodwater. Only had normal trainers on, so got wet feet just getting back to my car.



Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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I've decided to make a rain/bad weather thread so that all that are suffering with this endless rain can all come and get it off their chest and perhaps for some moral support!

I am so utterly fed up of it, to the point of tears and not the first ones either! I don't remember it ever being this bad and there is still no end in sight. My forecast is saying we only have 3 dry days over the next two weeks. My fields are wrecked, the hardcore and mats on my gateways are no longer to be seen including the small hard standing I had which has also given up, everything is covered in mud. My back, legs and feet are cramping from trying to walk through certain areas of field and pull wheelbarrows of hay through it. I am really struggling. :(
I am sick of it. Part of the reason I gave up horses was the constant wet winters but none have been as bad as this. I have decided the dogs I have now will be my last, again because of the constant rain from october to may makes everything a struggle.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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Yesterday morning I opened the bedroom curtains to be met with the window ledge inside under water (thankfully whoever fitted the old windows has somehow managed to put the ledge on an angle so the water didn’t run off the front of the ledge), got up this morning and there’s a large puddle in the middle bedroom and that window ledge has its own puddle too. We’ve only a small section of roof off currently, so beams could be put in but the whole roof comes off next week 😮.

We have a large puddle leading to the field and it actually has pond weed growing in it! I don’t recall it ever raining this much in the UK. 🤪
Our weather is buggered and we will have nothing but rain now, interesting that the last so called normal year for weather was 2020 lockdown....since life became normal again the constant rain started and hasn't stopped.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2023
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Our weather is buggered and we will have nothing but rain now, interesting that the last so called normal year for weather was 2020 lockdown....since life became normal again the constant rain started and hasn't stopped.
That’s interesting, that fits with what hubby and I were saying, as we left the UK during the 2020 lockdown and have not been back long, we definitely don’t remember it being this wet.


Well-Known Member
24 December 2011
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Our weather is buggered and we will have nothing but rain now, interesting that the last so called normal year for weather was 2020 lockdown....since life became normal again the constant rain started and hasn't stopped.
We had an incredibly hot spring during lockdown in east Anglia. The grass didn’t grow. Low hay yield. Then a horrendous wet winter with snow thown in. All the suppliers were out of hay. Big bales were selling for 70 quid !


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I can’t even go shopping without getting battered by the weather 😳.

Did the usual horsey jobs and dog walk this morning in the mud, but at least it was dry.

Just been half an hour in the huge local Sainsbury's, and while in there we could all hear a torrential rain shower hammering on the roof.

Came out to find my car is now standing in a couple of inches of floodwater. Only had normal trainers on, so got wet feet just getting back to my car.

Now realising that I got away lightly yesterday with wet feet, but all my shopping.

Same big Sainsbury’s store is today affected by the nationwide glitch caused by a faulty overnight software update. Cash or (if you’re lucky) chip and payments only, no contactless payments by card or phone. No shop and scan. No home deliveries or click and collect happening either.

Tis bedlam, apparently.

The store cash machine was already out of action yesterday 🙄, so while cash is king you still need to get the cash from somewhere.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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We had our first sunny day yesterday since october 1st last year, that was in the + temps! It really felt like spring and was just so lovely to see the hardcore yard start drying in the sun. The rain then returned at 2am for hours on end!

We usually get a mini heatwave sometime in april for 10 days - or may - thats the time i get the chance to try to sort the fields, as theyre drying out and i can get the mini tractor on them.

Over the years weve installed lots of land drainage, and i’ve consistently noticed it takes 3 days for the drains to return to ‘normal flow’ after a rainy deluge. 72hrs for all that rain to drain off of all the sloped valley land. (Flat lands would take longer) So realistically, day 4 of dry weather is when the soil truly starts drying-up.

Since october 1st of logging the weather and rainfall we’ve barely had even 12hrs of it not raining, so the lands have been constantly drenched without chance of drying-out. The one plus to that, as im always looking for that glint of silver lining!…is hopefully the midge eggs have all been washed away!

Usually a bad season follows a good season, but this past year has broken that ‘rule’! Shoite wet summer with a shoite wet winter following it. Maybe that means we’re going to have a glorious summer and winter of 2024?! We can only hope!


Well-Known Member
18 April 2013
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I got a bit carried away today, thought I would go in top paddock on quadbike to see how wet it was...........still awful but then decided to drag the round bale feeder to the gate.....bad idea.........had to abandon it half way across the paddock 🙄😐🤔
It's going to rain tonight, oh well 🤐


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I just want mine out at night now. The cost of the bedding and everything I really need to reduce and I desperately want them back on the summer routine so I don’t have to keep mucking out as I’m sick of it!
Mine are back in again tonight after 2 days of 24:7 because we've got 10mm of rain due in. Honestly I could cry - my winter field is just starting to look less like a muddy swamp and the summer fields lakes have gone down. The flipping ducks will be back tomorrow at this rate.

I paid over £40 for 3 bales of aubiose last week!


Well-Known Member
15 August 2015
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yes we’ve got rain forecast all night and tomorrow morning… on the plus side tonight is the first night they have all come in and fell asleep instead of starting on their hay straight away so they must be getting plenty to eat out there! temperatures are good for drying the ground out if it would just stop raining we would be ok! I’m hoping I can have them out 24/7 by the end of the month (here’s hoping!)


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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It was lovely and sunny here at first, so I decided to wash some jumpers and hang them out to dry. The sun went in just after I'd hung everything out and then- it started raining before the jumpers were dry !

We had arranged for a neighbour to put in some hedging plants for us. He got held up, so couldn't make a start until it was raining, poor lad. Still at least the ground was soft to plant them in.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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In bed listening to torrential rain, looked on camera and fields are back to Square one!!

I know it will stop eventually but starting to worry it won't, never known anywhere near this much wet for this long 😞

Horses had a day out in field yesterday but will now have to stay in again, will prob turnout in the day on every other or third day ...

Can't get more big bale haylage as last one got too warm as not eaten quickly enough...so soon they will be on small bale which will cost a fortune... Thought I'd be done with picking up more shavings and haylage 😞