Rant! stupid judgemental dog owners!


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27 February 2010
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Which is what I've been saying all along. So why take my words and say therein lies the problem. And i'm aware of what a GSP is thank you :) Any dog regardless of size should be on the lead if it can't behave around other dogs. Which is why I said I don't care about the size of the dog. If it's well behaved the size is irrelevant as it's not going to be causing anyone any harm.


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30 November 2005
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I think any dog owner, regardless of their size, needs to be aware that not everyone in the public domain will understand or appreciate large dogs - and they don't need to, out of respect to other people who perhaps don't even like dogs, I would never let our spaniels lollop up to people - it isn't fair.

I also don't appreciate the "oh he's fine, he won't hurt, he is friendly, he has good recall" - use it then. My dogs know that when there are people around they walk to my heel - they do not make friends with strangers, I can't understand why more people don't take this approach? This weekend we had a boundary walk through the farm and I was confronted with a Rottie - "she's alright - she's friendly" - great - I'm not, and she's in my garden?

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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I may be wrong, but I suspect that there are those who expect the world, to be as enamoured of their dog, as they would be of their child. Strange that, considering that I rarely see the dog and the child together, or is it a case of substitution?



Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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Which is what I've been saying all along. So why take my words and say therein lies the problem. And i'm aware of what a GSP is thank you :) Any dog regardless of size should be on the lead if it can't behave around other dogs. Which is why I said I don't care about the size of the dog. If it's well behaved the size is irrelevant as it's not going to be causing anyone any harm.

What are you on about :confused:?

If you just want to say you're right, go ahead if it makes you feel better :)


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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I may be wrong, but I suspect that there are those who expect the world, to be as enamoured of their dog, as they would be of their child. Strange that, considering that I rarely see the dog and the child together, or is it a case of substitution?


My eldest would love to walk our dogs alone. I can't allow that when there are inconsiderate people who need to learn some basic manners and compromise when it comes to their dogs.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Many years ago, I heard about a strong man who got tired of people who screamed, and picked up their lapdogs as soon as they saw him and his big dog, as I recall, he had something like a Leonberger or St. Bernard. So he taught his dog to jump up in his arms on command, and from then on, whenever he wanted to, he could stand there with his big dog in his arms, "safe" from the other dog owner's little darlings.

I'm not saying that it solved anything, and I know that ideally nobody should pick up their dog in such situations, but as I remember it, it gave him much joy to be able to perhaps say: Oh no, a spaniel! Jump up and save yourself...

OP I'm confused; why would the woman shout at you if your dog was nowhere near her little dog?

Maybe because people sometimes don't act sensible?


Well-Known Member
7 November 2010
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OP I'm confused; why would the woman shout at you if your dog was nowhere near her little dog?
Her dog was a good 25-30 meters away from her, mine was maybe 5 meters away from me so by the time she spotted anything the dogs had already introduced themselves to each other. My boy is never far from me when off lead, he NEVER runs up to strange dogs, he approaches slowly and then stops and waits for them to come to him or for me to tell him its ok or call him back. I totally get that people can be worried by his size and thats why he doesn't run up to dogs or owners regardless of size but I dont understand why he should be prevented from meeting other dogs who are friendly which this KCC was and which I assume any off lead dog to be.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Oh joy..dog walking sounds fun :eek: and I'm about to get a GSP so I've this sort of thing to look forward to :D
I'm going to teach him to jump up on my back so he can get out of the way of scary dogs :D
Seriousley thought, I used to run and loose dogs who used to start jumping all over me used to really annoy me and I'd always get the " it's ok, he's friendly" . Very very cross making but then I used to get grumpy when I ran. :eek:


Well-Known Member
7 November 2010
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Seriousley thought, I used to run and loose dogs who used to start jumping all over me used to really annoy me and I'd always get the " it's ok, he's friendly" . Very very cross making but then I used to get grumpy when I ran. :eek:[/QUOTE]
Loose dogs with no manners annoy me too thats why mine stops before he has made contact with anyone human or animal but it doesn't stop me being accused of owning a child killing wolf by an idiotic owner whos dog was well out of her sight and control.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Thanks - hes named after the Korben Dallas characted in the Fifth Element - my OH's choice :)

My favourite film. Just saw a guy buy a Mengaloid head in that Beverly Hills pawn shop-$3700!!

I equally get fed up of rude dogs (big or small) as Jack will tell them to b*gger off which results in him being painted the villain in most cases.

Same with Bear, he'll tell off a bouncy youngster or ill-mannered dog then it looks like he's a nasty dog :( I do have to ask people to be careful with theirs sometimes: Zak is extremely dog aggressive and they're on the other side of the park and their rude dog won't leave us alone. Zak is very focussed if I have a ball so is not a threat unless something gets in his face and I do believe that a dog shouldn't be allowed to do that if another is training etc. Strikes me as rude.

Funny how perceptions are breed based: mals are wolves but my spaniel is a wolf in springer clothing! :D

Lunchbox legend

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10 July 2012
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I have a small dog who's 9 months old now (but will still be small when he's fully grown). I never pick him up to avoid other dogs, in fact I make a point of asking people if their dogs are ok for us to come and meet. If he misbehaves and gets growled or snapped at, then that's fine by me as he needs to learn doggy manners. If things are getting out of hand (never have done with this dog but they have with a couple of other dogs) then I leave the dog on the ground and deal with things. That means splitting them up; removing whatever they're fighting about; taking both dogs off their leads; putting both dogs on their leads - whatever it takes.

I do wish some other dog owners/walkers wouldn't be so quick to become hostile and aggressive though - other people are seriously more of a problem than their dogs most of the time.

And I also wish people would not judge a dog simply by how it looks. A few years ago I had a big black cross breed boy and a really gorgeous looking show type springer, with a pretty little pink nose. So many people were afraid of the big dog and went straight to stroke the spaniel. In fact, the spaniel was so unpredictable and liable to bite, she was eventually pts, whereas the big dog was as soft as my brother's staffy - a teddy bear in dog fur :)


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Day 6 of dog ownership and I'm amazed how many people just reach out to stroke Sam without letting him first sniff them. We've had one encounter with a little yappy excited thing off his lead. Sam is a large german pointer but is not well socialised with other dogs yet( rescued abused dog) and he gets scared then growls when dogs rush up to him. I got glared at by the dogs owner..tough