reading some threads here makes me realise how lucky I am


Well-Known Member
20 March 2006
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just thinking as I have been browsing the threads how lucky I am. my (now ex) competition horses are pretty much retired and happy doing not very much in my own fields. I have just taken on loan a broodmare who is at a super unposh place with a yard owner who really does look after the horses well and is a pleasure to visit even though it is a long way away. everything is taken care of in the (what I think is inexpensive) cost of livery so no thinking about worming or farrier. no extra charges for holding for the vet to imseminate or scan or for watching her next year when she is due to foal. for some reason seeing posts about people having problems with bitchiness. lack of turnout and rules changing on yards really made me think today

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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Mine are at home too but I do sometimes miss other horsey people to chat to, luckily for me there is a livery yard a two minute walk down the lane that has a fantastic atmosphere so I will call in for a chat to the girls and a cup of tea now and again. Best of both worlds.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Mine is at a livery yard but it is a fantastic livery yard. We get turnout all year, every day and everyone helps each other. There is no bitchiness despite having over 20 liveries.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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I'm on a biggish livery yard where the YO is very much in charge, the horses are well cared for and there is no bitchness or other unpleasantness to spoil our enjoyment of our horses. I feel really sorry for people who post on here about the issues they're having at yards, and like OP feel lucky to be in a place where all is peace and harmony we can just get on with having fun.


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14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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I never had problems with fellow liveries when we were at yards in the past, but more with the owners ie saying there was all year turnout when winter was in a 1/2 acre mudpit, or schools not being maintained.

Thankfully they are at home now, just as well as there are no local livery yards..



Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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I also feel lucky, lovely YO. other liveries really easy to get on with, no bitchiness, , we all just concentrate on looking after our horses to the best of our ability and help each other out whenever needed. YO also has her own horses and we all help her if needed so a lovely atmosphere...we are allocated our own fields and can turn out as much or as little as we like. best yard I have ever been on...


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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I too always feel lucky when I read what others have to endure. My YO and YM are great. Most of the time I really enjoy the company of my fellow liveries too, though there are occasions when things are less than ideal which I find hard to deal with, but it's absolutely nothing compared to some of the horror stories I have heard and read about from others!


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25 January 2015
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I also love my yard. YO has been amazingly helpful to a new owner like me, and I am sure I irritate her to no end with my questions, but I would rather ask than get it wrong. All of the other liveries are really friendly, and any *****-stirring or bitchiness and you get asked to leave. The school is harrowed regularly. I am on part livery (I much out and top up water, top up haynets, everything else done) but if I want him to be on full I just write in the book. Regular hacks. YO is a brilliant instructor.

Long story short I am very happy, even though its 21 miles away from home. And honestly think I would not be having such a good time being a horse owner without my yard/YO.


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9 August 2013
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I was just reading another thread and thinking the same thing. Livery is pretty rare in New Zealand, but shared grazing is common, with all the associated problems. I rent my grazing from an old farmer, the fences aren't great, but I have the place to myself and good storage and great riding.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2006
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at least there are a few of us that think the same. I have enough company and sometimes a friend who rodes will come out with me on one of them but I am happy riding alone so do not miss having people around. good that there are some lovely yo's around as well it makes such a difference when there is someone sensible who controls things properly


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
North Cumbria
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I am lucky too, my yard has only 3 liveries and we get on well. Clean up after ourselves and thats that.

YO's have their own horses, kennels, sell for clients etc. They have ALOT on.

Don't get me wrong, first winter there I wasn't happy, but I was upfront and polite, YO is pragmatic, we came to an agreement that suits my horse and we are all happy.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2011
East Yorkshire
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I am good friends with my YO and my 2 other good friends have recently moved on. In addition to the other liveries who was there, we all get on very well and the yard is lovely and peaceful and we all help and support each other. Love my yard, so lucky to be on it :)


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
just thinking as I have been browsing the threads how lucky I am. my (now ex) competition horses are pretty much retired and happy doing not very much in my own fields. I have just taken on loan a broodmare who is at a super unposh place with a yard owner who really does look after the horses well and is a pleasure to visit even though it is a long way away. everything is taken care of in the (what I think is inexpensive) cost of livery so no thinking about worming or farrier. no extra charges for holding for the vet to imseminate or scan or for watching her next year when she is due to foal. for some reason seeing posts about people having problems with bitchiness. lack of turnout and rules changing on yards really made me think today

You could have been describing here when I was taking liveries so I'm glad someone else thinks along the same lines that an inclusive fee is so much simpler for everyone; we all know where we stand, no hidden costs - but, and it's a big but - there is no way I would take on any DIY liveries that I didn't know personally; so much more trouble than they are ever worth trying to take over with what they want! I know that's a generalization, you're not all like that but the ones I had to cope with before I learned that 'inclusive and my rules/timetable' suited us far better put me off for life especially as this is also our home.
I shudder when I read some posts, feel very sorry for either you as liveries having to put up with shoddy service or YO's where liveries have a stupid expectations when they are paying peanuts for something that is very expensive to provide.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2011
At the yard!
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I've just moved yards and I honestly think it's the best thing we've ever done, The fields are all maintained, fencing maintained, school regularly harrowed etc, well stocked coffee room, The list goes on. Its like chalk and cheese when I compare it to they yard we were previously on!