Recommend me an insurer


Well-Known Member
6 June 2007
Nr Newmarket
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So what insurance company offers (and pays out!!) for damage done by your own dog? I'm having a dispute with Pet Plan at the moment and need to reinsure one of my dogs and take out new insurance on the puppy, but unless Pet Plan agree to meet my claim - which their underwriters have said "no" to, then I will cancel my policies with them and look elswhere. Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
6 June 2007
Nr Newmarket
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Animal friends is a good company to use, we used them when i worked at a rescue centre, they do a lot of work to support charities.

[/ QUOTE ]

Will google them in - have never heard of them. Need to get pup insured as soon as (or rather my property) - he's got hold of a saddle today!!!!


Well-Known Member
21 September 2005
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Is this damage to third party property you are looking for?
I work in insurance and don't know of any pet policy that will pay out for damage to your own/family property. The cover is usually for any damage/injury you pet may cause to a third party, ie, if your dog damages your friends saddle that would probably be covered, but damage to your own would not.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2007
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well we just had a load of grief from norwich union re car insurance.would never ever use them again! maybe all insurance companies are as bad as one another.okay when they take your money but wriggle out of it any way they can when you put in a claim?


Well-Known Member
6 June 2007
Nr Newmarket
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Borrowed an expensive item of equipment (£2,500 worth) from a friend and left it in the spare room downstairs. Unfortunately one of my dogs (who is usually very well behaved and has never chewed or destroyed ever), got into the room and damaged it beyond repair. I explained to the insurance company that he'd never done anything like this before, I said we'd had no electric for 4 days and the house was in total pitch black (no street lights here) so maybe this was part of the problem. They've wrote back saying being as he'd never done anything like this before, it was purely an accident and wouldn't be paying out. I've asked them whether they would pay out then if I'd said he was a continual chewer, etc. but of course, they opt out of anwering that question too. It's a definite no-win whatever. Meantime my friend naturally wants reimbursing somehow but the insurers have sent her a letter saying basically "what a shame, but the dog has never done this before, therefore our client isn't responsible". So I'm waiting to hear back from Pet Plan now as to what they intend to do now and in what circumstances do they pay out. Any suggestions.

I did use to have household cover which covered pet damage but changed the company a number of years ago and that's not covered now, except the leather suite which has its own insurance and is insured for anything the dogs or humans may do to it.


Well-Known Member
21 September 2005
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That sounds in theory like it should be covered?
If you like I'll have a look at their policy wording on Monday and let you know what I think. I assume that this is purely a friend of yours who's property was damaged and not a family member or anything to do with your business (for example a livery client etc)?


Well-Known Member
17 February 2005
North Scotland
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You'll need to read your pet insurance policy documents carefully. I would have thought the 3rd party liability part would cover it, but there may be an exclusion if the items are under your own roof. As far as I know only 5 home insurance companies in the UK cover pet damage. I work for HBOS, and know for certain that Halifax is one of them (and covers your own pets). Having many dogs, I'd never home insure with anyone that didn't cover this.


Well-Known Member
21 September 2005
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Having read the wording I'd have to say I don't think you are covered.
There is a section under the Third Party Liability which says:
What we will not pay for:
Any compensation, cost and expenses if you, a member of your immediate family, or any person who lives with you or is employed by you, is responsible for looking after the property that is damaged.

I believe this is the exclusion which will prevent you from claiming, but please ask the Insurer to confirm this to you.

As far as getting cover for this eventuality in the future, make sure you read policy wordings carefully, as many Insurers exclude damage to property whilst in your care, custody or control. As Suzysparkle said, you may be able to get this cover through a household policy, but check the small print!!


Well-Known Member
6 June 2007
Nr Newmarket
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Well I'm still waiting to hear back from Pet Plan to see what they say. The item belonged to a friend and was nothing to do with our business at all. I'll keep you informed and as soon as I have a chance, I will phone my household insurance up and ask them if they can include cover for damage caused in the home by my own dogs. I know I definitely used to have it many years ago, but can't remember with what company.