Recommendations for the best all terrain pushchair.


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15 July 2009
High on the Cotswold Hills.
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My daughter is expecting her first baby early in 2016, please could you lovely H&H people recommend the best pushchair/ chariot to buy for the little one. There are so many and we don't really know what is going to deliver, so this is what is needed

It must be able to be pushed easily over fields, showgrounds, xc courses and walking the dogs as well as up the highstreet.
Ideally from birth with the attachments for a carseat.
Folds down easily.
East to keep clean.
Will last the test of time and country living abuse :)
Many thanks in anticipation


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12 January 2011
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I have 2- one for 'about town' and one for the yard/running/muddy stuff. Anything that's any good at the tougher stuff will be quite big and bulky for shopping etc.

I had a Britax b-agile which was great when she was small but is a bit hard to push now she's heavier so I've bought a cheap stroller.

My 'yard' pushchair is another Britax so the car seat would fit, an older Vigour model with air tyres. It's the air tyres that make life easy, so light to push even as she's got heavier. I bought this second hand too, only the b-agile was new.

There is too much choice!!


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25 July 2013
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We had a maxi cosi mura 3. It's taken care of 2 children now and still has plenty of life. Has been across many a field although not great with thorns, we had a few punctures, but you can't really have solid tyres in fields so just had to live with that. The car seat clips straight on and when bigger you can put the seat in and there's a bassinet you can buy too. We didn't bother with buying that with the first though as the pushchair seat lies down and we were in summer so used that even when very small but did for second as he was a winter baby.
Folding down wise it was easy enough and folds even further if you remove the seat. The other great thing is that the wheels pop off, just push a button, which meant that if they were really dirty we could just put them in a bag before it went in the car.
Hope the pregnancy goes well and congratulations on becoming a grandparent.


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26 May 2005
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We have had the maxi cosi Elea and gave got on very well with it.
However my friend has a baby jogger which is excellent off road and on the beach.


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21 April 2010
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I have the Venicci Vento. Great big tyres and proper suspension. Drive it around the field every day, was down on the beach on the very soft wet sand and it was fab :) Looks great too, plus all that you mentioned with the travel system etc.


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25 October 2008
Nr Sleaford
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We had the Mothercare Urban Detour when ours were little, both single, then the double version when the family expanded. It has been round Burghley, Blenheim,various other off road days out with no problem, particularly brilliant one very muddy Burghley. It also zips round town well, easily steered with one hand too although it takes a fair bit of boot space.

maree t

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15 September 2010
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we had a "normal "pushchair for around town and we made an extra out of an old pushchair and we put the large wheelchair wheels on it . the miles we did with that ..............


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18 January 2006
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To do all that I'd go for a bugaboo.
I had the chameleon for my youngest, which I adored. It's totally versatile. Small wheels in front for around town, big wheels in front & it is fab off road.
If you buy the maxi cosi converters you can fit the car seat straight onto the chassis.
I loved the pram bit when mine was tiny & when they got bigger it was nice to have them facing me or facing forward in the pushchair.

They have bought out the Bugaboo Buffalo now which is supposed to be the ultimate 'off road' version...but I never had any problem with my chameleon.

It was pricey to buy (about £1000) but I never regretted it (I wish I'd got it for my eldest instead of the clunky Mutsy we bought) & I sold it on eBay really easily when I was done.

Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to drier days
1 July 2008
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My parents purchased a bugaboo for me and I hated it. Fine for town but totally hopeless for me where I live! I have to confess that I had a pushchair fetish and had a collection. :) Bugaboo for shopping, 3 wheeler for field & forest, another one for just nipping down the road and a very small one for holiday purposes. LOL


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17 February 2011
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I don't know anyone who has managed to just buy one pushchair! The best I found for off-road was the Out'n'About 3-wheeled pushchair (Nipper Single). It's very light and easy to push, and folds down reasonably small. It does lie flat, so you can use if from birth, but doesn't automatically hold a car seat (you might be able to get attachments for this). Although it's not as small as the city strollers it was light and agile enough for pavements and town centres. It's nowhere near as expensive as the bugaboos and so on, and much better off road.



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1 December 2006
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In my day, I was put in a home-made backpack which faced backwards and converted into a car childseat (clever Dad!) and in a pushchair which was the size you see kids pushing their dollies around in now. I hate the huge things that profilerate now and block up doorways, pavements, shop aisles. The pushers seem to be more interested in their mobiles than looking where they are going, and more specifically whose ankles they are about to take out.


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13 September 2014
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I have 4 kids and have had a lot of buggies! The best by far for everything was the Baby Jogger City Classic, or was it City Elite? Can't remember!. Don't be put off by the City bit, it was by far the best over rough terrain, I could push it one handed around a muddy field (leading a pony with the other!) unlike blimming Phil & Teds which I find really hard to push.
It was better than my Mountain Buggy and folded up so easily and much smaller. You can also fold the Babyjogger one handed while carrying a baby in the other which was really useful.
You can click a car seat onto it as well, which was good for town, although made it less well balanced in the field. It is good for town as really manoeuvrable and narrow and folds so easily for getting on public transport. Mine were in it from birth as it lies flat.
I did like the Out & About too, but preferred the amazing hood on the Babyjogger. With the Babyjogger I never even used the faff of a plastic cover, the hood comes down so low over the buggy that I just used a waterproof sleeping bag - here
I don't work for Babyjogger by the way, just that after 4 babies and about 7 prams for various stages, I eventually came to the conclusion that I could have had just this one!
My only downside to it is that it folds so that the seat part is on the outside, which was annoying when my lovely sheepskin I put in it got all muddy.
The only other buggy I would ever recommend was the Landrover one we borrowed one summer - it was so light, I could lift it over stiles with the baby still inside. But you have to get them second hand off eBay and they go for a small fortune because Landrover stopped making them.
(Update - I have just looked and I can't find a City Classic online, only something called a Summit - can't advise on that one, but worth a look and also asking in the shops about the original ones. )


Well-Known Member
17 July 2015
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Just had dd and so been trying out our pushchair. Have the silver cross reflex. Plus it is foldable can be used as a pram, pushchair and car seat attatches. It fits folded in my astra fine alongside the grooming stuff etc.

Its fine on the yard but I don't think it'd go across the fields, the suspension isn't that good :).

Good luck in finding the right one and congrats