Recurrent gas colic/discomfort - any thoughts or ideas???


Well-Known Member
23 June 2011
great yarmouth
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Well, where do I start???
Last Friday (27th sept) I went to bring my mare in for the farrier- she was laying flat out - got her up, brought her in, she had shoes done no probs, popped her in the stable for a minute before i put her back out and she went straight down again in her stable obv in discomfort - called the vet but pain passed very quickly, so vet was happy to leave her, Saturday afternoon after turning her out (they stay in during the day, out at night at the mo) she goes down again after being in the field after ten mins - 15 mins later was fine - fine Sunday morning and same happened again Sunday night / fine again Monday morning - Monday night was the worst she has been so vet called again and can't find anything 'wrong' with her as such (gut sounds etc all fine, poo and wee normal) took blood tests and all clear - suggested worming her which I did last Tuesday / only change she had recently had was changing her to solution mash which was introduced gradually so took her off the solution mash - had a little bout of discomfort last Wednesday lunchtime which was very short lived then have had nothing...... Until today.... She tried to go down when I was riding her (only walking out) so whipped tack off and down she dropped, she doesn't thrash about / just very obviously in pain - vet thinks it's gas colic and am now restricting EVERYTHING and next steps will be scans x rays etc ....... I am stumped as to what it could be.... She is fed Alfa a oil, herbal quiet mix and has a net of hay during the day and is out at night although it will be swapped over soon if this weather changes like it's meant to! Someone has said possibly sudden grass growth causing excess gas?
I've had her 2 years and she has never been ill, apart from the odd kick etc.....
Sorry for the essay / I have just been thinking and overthinking this and just need some fresh 'eyes' or ideas!!! Xxx

Sparkly Snowdrop

Well-Known Member
8 March 2011
The wilds of Yorkshire
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Did you worm for or have the Vets blood tested for tapeworm? What she is doing sounds a little like my horse who had recurrent colic 3 years ago, which we finally discovered was caused by tapeworm, despite him having been wormed for them. It is such a horrible worrying thing.

Other suggetions. Are there leaves that have fallen off trees that she could have been eating? I agree that the grass has sprouted recently with the changes in temperature.

I hope you find the cause. :(


Well-Known Member
28 June 2009
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my mare has suffered with gassy colic fr 5 yrs and I've moved yards this year and its the first year she's not got it! so we've come to the conclusion that it was the amount of clover in the field, so it might be worth checking your field to see how much you have?


Well-Known Member
24 January 2012
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My mare cant cope on too much grass and gets colic from that. I found putting her on a really good pre and pro biotic has helped. I feed thunderbrook which has it in it and shes not had it since. Worth looking at, even if you et some yea sacc and brewers yeast to see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
One of my liveries had similar problem, mild cases of gas colic in fairly quick succession, she is now, on my vet's advice fed a gut balancer and fennel seeds. Hasn't had an incident since put on that, despite grass flushes.


Well-Known Member
23 June 2011
great yarmouth
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Been told to do a poo sample next week - will also have him take a blood test for tapeworm - she was wormed with pramox last week which hopefully has killed anything lurking?
Someone has also suggested irritated gut from any worms that were present??
Just been and checked on her and she is bright and alert - although probably very hungry! :-3 - will keep u all updated! :)
Thanks for your thoughts guys xx