Regumate and its alternatives?


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14 January 2009
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My mare is getting very silly when in season at the moment - squealing before she's even touched, lots of front foot striking when she's near the gelding. I don't think she is sore - she has no problem with having the girth done up and doesn't seem to move any differently but it's still not pleasant to deal with. Can you tell me about Regumate use? How likely is it to help, how often do you have to dose, what volume each dose and does this depend on severity of symptoms as well as the size of the horse, where is the cheapest place to buy, has anyone used anything else for this problem with success?


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26 July 2008
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One of mine gets it in Spring and Autumn, first and last seasons of the year are by far the worst for her, she's almost impossible to work without treatment. i tried other stuff like agnus castus that's in most of the mare supplements but there was no noticeable difference. Regumate generally starts to show a difference within a week or so and it doesn't fully mask her symptoms but makes her very much easier to deal with and she seems less stressy too. If they agree to prescribe it then your vet will let you know the dose, mine (500kg) gets 10ml daily in her feed. I just get it from my vets, tbh when I looked at the prices online they were comparable and it was just quicker & easy to get from them.
There's a pig version which is cheaper but my vets will only prescribe the horse one. The doses are different for that as it's a different concentration. You have to be careful handling it.


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1 September 2008
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Does your mare have a history of this behaviour when coming in season? Just because this time of year is when they usually ‘properly’ start to cycle with the day length now being so much longer so perhaps it’s her first proper season? On the regulate front I’ve worked on studs and had a livery use it , we wore gloves to handle as you have to be careful handing it, and she gave 10ml everyday in feed, ditto MP porcine version is cheaper if you can get it!


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14 January 2009
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She's always been a little different when in season, but this year it has got noticeably worse - I don't know if it's her age (she is 6 now) or because I have a new gelding in with her. He arrived in September and she was coming into season in January which was a bit odd - she was quite squealy even then. Long term I'm considering moving the gelding on to see if his presence is making things worse - he definitely teases her in a way that my previous horse didn't. Obviously that won't happen for a little while though.

Green Bean

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1 February 2017
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I would speak to your vet. Mares can be tetchy even if it isn't related to their seasons. Mine objects to horses next to her stable and kicks and bites the wall in between (Regumate did nothing so assuming she has food jealousy), another in the yard gets beside herself when the mare next door puts her head in 'her' side of the stable (and she is on Regumate already). If the only thing that has changed is the gelding then I would say start with that. See if he can go on a 'holiday' for a week which will let you know if her behaviour is related.


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14 March 2011
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My mare has been on regumate for some time. She was difficult under saddle during her seasons - clearly uncomfortable and it’s made a huge difference. She’s on 10ml a day. You need to use gloves when using it, I buy it online as it’s much cheaper than my vet. Petdrugsonline I’ve found to be best.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I had one that was season-ey and had a mare marble put in. It evened things out for a while, then it stopped working, but I think she may have passed it.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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My mare has been on regumate for some time. She was difficult under saddle during her seasons - clearly uncomfortable and it’s made a huge difference. She’s on 10ml a day. You need to use gloves when using it, I buy it online as it’s much cheaper than my vet. Petdrugsonline I’ve found to be best.
Do you dose every day or just around the time of her season?