

Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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I have done it and believe this isn't my first time here. Once I found that I was in Victorian britain, and I recognised my then husband as the boss who bullied me horrendously a few years ago. In the regression I was beaten, locked up, accused of theft and blamed for a crime he did. I escaped with my children and lived in the countryside with his parents, and he tried to visit several times but was made very unwelcome anywhere near. Its odd how much of it I wouldn't have predicted I would come out with. In another experience I was some kind of cave man who got mauled by the wrist trying to protect children from a tiger type creature. No recording for me but I remember it all anyway :)

Can I be sure its not my imagination, or my mind extrapolating from this life? No, but its hard to describe the certainty when you're coming out with stuff that suprises yourself in a way that my imagination never has done.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2008
some place nice
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No mine was not taped, I can remember it like yesterday, like I say I have question, when the time is right I will have it done again. The first few times and the last had been done by different hypnotherapists, each of the sessions had not been recorded, I initial went for weight loss, I understand the how's and whys, but it did not help with the weight.
It was a very traumatic experience.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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How do you go about being regressed? do you just look in phone book for a hypnotist? How do you knowif they are any good? Is it expensive? Sorry for all the questons, just interested!


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Apparently Deja Vu is a form of epileptic seizure. I was having a similar conversation about it with my OH!

Is the somewhere I could find that evidence please to print off? Next time I have one, it will be a good excuse to have a day off work!!! ..... No? :D


Well-Known Member
14 January 2008
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I don't know what to think but once I was in a castle and really got the feeling I had been there before. I had all these images in my head, seeing the castle as it was in its heyday.

Suddenly I got a dreadful feeling of danger and to get out of the castle. I ran down a passageway with the sun in my eyes and I was completely blinded. I kept running (was frantic at this point :eek:) but halfway along I automatically changed my step to take into account a large dip down and up :eek:. There was no way I could have known it was there, I actually stopped dead and turned back to see see the uneven floor. Had I not changed my step I would have gone A over T - it was so spooky I had never been along that passageway before :confused: