Pictures Return to Riding


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9 January 2023
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Just popping in to say hello and introduce myself!

I‘m from Canada (Ontario) and about a month into my ”return to riding” journey.
I took lessons as a child and eventually had my own horse: a wonderful, spirited but kind anglo-Arab mare. Who saved my life in more ways than one…

University, career and child all intervened. So I’m now 55 and my last real lesson was probably almost 40 years ago! ? I’ve ridden occasionally, but nothing regular.

I’ve had the idea to go on a riding holiday for several years and decided to take the plunge this year in April. I’ve three months to get as riding fit as I can (without getting injured). The first few lessons have gone well. I’ve only fallen once and glad to get that out of the way. ?

I’m finding a lot has changed and my true riding skills have large gaps! There is a big difference between my memories and my new reality! Quite a shock, really! Some days I wonder what I have gotten myself into! Most days I’m so excited I can’t sleep!

I’m happy to have found this forum and welcome any company on my journey!



Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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Hi Elle

Good luck with your return to riding journey. Just interested in what sort of riding holiday are you going on?


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
I’ve three months to get as riding fit as I can (without getting injured). The first few lessons have gone well. I’ve only fallen once and glad to get that out of the way. ?

Quite right to get prepared to ride on holiday. I made my OH do the same. And if you are going to ride Western, a Western lesson or two is a good idea as well.

I am surprised that you have had a fall riding in the school. I had only two falls in school lessons in my 20 years of learning - Do you know why you fell and can you avoid it happening again? Your safety should be the top priority.

I’m finding a lot has changed and my true riding skills have large gaps! There is a big difference between my memories and my new reality!

Do not dismiss your memories. You probably learned to balance on a moving pony. And to feel comfortable on a horse. or you wouldnt be returning to it now. I did the same and love it. One big difference was the amount of sitting trot and sitting canter compared to when I was a child.

As for style of riding - each teacher will have their own preferred style. There isnt a sharp divide of right or wrong. It is all about communication with the horse you happen to be riding. If you dont feel comfortable with the way an RI is asking you to ride, then it is best to look for another teacher. But dont let any teacher make you feel useless.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Good morning, Ellcie!
Tell us a bit more about your riding school, if you can. I'm sorry that you had a fall during a lesson. Was the riding school professionally accredited? The instructor fully qualified?
Riding is, in my opinion, by it's very nature, a dangerous sport. I've ridden all sorts of ponies and horses in my long life and had a couple of crashes, two of them life threatening.
I still ride, but I know my old horse backwards and he me.
Please ensure that you make your riding as safe as possible.
Good luck and have lots of enjoyment on the way!