Reversing the trailer - why cant I do it first time!!


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
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I thought I was ok at reversing but at a show at the weekend I was asked to move my trailer and when I did the woman said Oh you would never pass your test-I had angled it as ROG says to make it easier to get out again!!!!

Sounds very sensible. I once went to a clinic and the parking was around the sand school so I sensibly left enough room so I could drive straight out without having to reverse, only the two guys parked next to me didn't think about that so had to reverse back, bless them.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2011
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so glad I am not the only one! Hopefully should be able to get out a bit more soon so everytime I hitch up I will practise and practise. Some good tips on here, its one of those things that scramble my brain, its my age you know!! Use to have a lorry and that was so easy, but cant afford to keep one on the road at the moment so trailer it is and as I keep reminding myself I am very lucky to have transport and not be having to hire/share, I love the luxury of deciding where I am going, at what time and when I am coming back - so this reverse thing needs to be sorted as that is the only thing that makes me hesitant, can hitch up and all that stuff on my own, horse loads like a dream so must bite the bullet and get on with it!!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
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The only advice I can give is practice and take your time. I used to really struggle but this is my 3rd year regularly driving a trailer and I recently reversed my trailer from one side of the close I live in with cars parked both sides onto my very narrow very awkward drive in one go! My husband was very impressed as I think the last time he saw me reverse I was a disaster and it took me ages!

Spring Feather

Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
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It really is just practise. I've been driving with trailers for almost 30 years now and it's second nature to drive them but when I first started yes I needed to practise to get it right. The more you do it the more easily it will come to you. I drive long trailers over here, our horse trailers aren't like the little ones in the UK and I generally open my truck door and watch behind me when I'm reversing as it gives better sight lines of all around you. The other thing is to make sure you pull far enough forward so that you are straight before you even attempt to reverse a trailer. If you try to reverse when the vehicle and trailer are not straight then it makes it more tricky; still doable if there isn't space to straighten up, but it's a bit more fuffing around.


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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I am recently back to towing a trailer and have the following comments:
When driving an articulated lorry,albeit years ago, (40 tons) I could reverse like a demon, first time, no problem. I could reverse the horsebox no problem. Now I'm towing a trailer I go to pieces, I've had training and that went fine, but now when I need to take my daughter and her horse out I stress about the possible parking problems, it even got to the stage where the parking at the show was a decider where we went. (Addington is marvelous, you can drive in and drive out, no reversing :) ). My 'helpful' daughter does the left hand down/right hand down instructions, together with the 'careful' which is both unhelpful/irritating and down right annoying, how we have never some to blows on occasion is a miracle!! Slow, steady and calmly on your own is the way to go. I don't panic half as much as I used to.