Riders with dodgy hips!


Well-Known Member
22 March 2014
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I would second the idea of going side saddle. I have severe joint hypermobility syndrome which was further exacerbated by a car accident causing spinal cord damage and mobility issues with very tight hips twisting badly through my pelvis. I find returning for side saddle sessions every so oftrn really helps not only with hips/legs but with posture generally. I feel much looser riding astride after 3 or 4 sidesaddle sessions.


Well-Known Member
13 September 2010
Oop Norf
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Just mooching in as I have wonkiness in that area - sacroilliac joint pain from 2 car accidents. One side of me is higher than the other and chiro is the only thing that seems to keep me slightly straighter and pain free ish, but I really struggle with my left leg (left side knackered) as I find it tricky to feel it properly and get enough weight in it to be even, working on it though!


Well-Known Member
2 March 2006
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I spent 2 years with dreadful hip pain, keeping going with pain killers and the chiropractor and phisio and convinced I'd find a way of sorting it out. When I eventually did give in and go to the doctors the xrays showed that I had no alternative but to have a Total Hip Replacement. (cue tears, thoughts of 'will I ever ride again' and mad googling...) I was just 50 when I had it done 4 years ago and it has been a total success. I was back riding after 19 weeks on my 17.hh Irish Draught and I ride out for hours at a time and manage to keep falling off my new 17.2hh ID quite frequently !
In hindsight I'd advise anyone with continual hip pain to go and get an xray and get to the root cause. My chiropractor is always the first port of call for my aches and pains but they can't help you if you need a THR. The operation is straightforward, something like 100,000 ops are carried out each year and you're back in action (not riding though!) in a few weeks. Hope my experience helps.