Riding and cystitis


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14 January 2006
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Hello people! As the title suggests, there was something I need advice on. Most of you are women so you'll know what I mean ;) If I ride say 3/4 times a week, I often end up with mild cystitis due to your privates rubbing against your undies. I've tried wearing a pantyliner but that made it worse. Has anyone got any experience of this and how to deal with it?

Help would be much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
In a house
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It's not actually cystitis in that it's not an infection, rather soreness which makes you feel like you want to go and it stings...try Vaseline before riding..and after


Well-Known Member
17 March 2008
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This may sound silly but are you drinking enough water and peeing when you need to? I know I'm guilty of tacking up then going to get on and thinking 'I could do with a wee' but deciding to wait till I have finished riding, by which point I'm fit to burst! I am way more prone to cystitis after these 'holding on' sessions.


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19 April 2009
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Different saddles make a huge difference too, def worth thinking about if you have the funds & own the horse. As does posture (in extremes try riding light seat the whole time if you cant get a comfy!). You can get seamless and even slightly padded riding undies which both and and OH have used (different versions!) at various times.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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I have found a comfy saddle is very important! You could try a seat-saver if your saddle is the culprit. NEVER wear a pad - turns into sandpaper halfway round a hack IME! Also I swear by M&S cotton ladies boxers - anything else makes me uncomfortable! Not sexy I know but you can soon change into something more 'attractive' when required!!!! It prob also depends on your 'conformation' down there... Plus if you're not used to riding as often as that you will feel sensitive for a while til you get used to it.


Well-Known Member
26 June 2010
by the Irish sea
if it isnt actual cystitis but more like rubbing as some have suggested, there are a few things to try. Saddles come in different styles - maybe try some otheres which may suit you more. Try leaning back a bit more in the saddle, this should shift your seat slightly and make it more comfortable for you. Dont put more things down there like the pads, this will make it worse. Try riding in different jods/trousers etc, some have a thick seam that sits in exactly the wrong place. Try riding tights instead of jods or jeans i find are very comfy.
Try shortening your stirrups a hole or two, this will take the weight off 'down there' as you change your seat to compensate for the stirrup length.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
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Thanks, I'll think about all of these. I always go to the loo before I ride so I can enjoy it without any discomfort :) I usually wear jodhpurs and standard low rise type knickers..lol at the "lady frilly parts" post...I'm pretty neat down there ;) It's usually having horses on loan that the symptoms begin, my last loan only lasted about 4 months so it might have been getting used to the sensations. I'm told to put my weight on my seat bones so it may also be that. Makes you wonder how men sit in saddles ;)

Mozlar do you mean just applying it to the area like a cream?


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
The Bane of my life cystitis! I'm just prone to it but I know that riding doesn't help :(

BOXERS! Ladies ones are great but stolen (clean) ones from your other half are even better. vaseline / sudocreme i have never tried but have been suggested.

One way to maybe see if it is real cystitis or the sensation, is to carry about a bottle of water with a couple of those cranberry sachets in them (mixed with squash if like me you can't stand the taste!)

They work a treat for me, sometimes erradicating the problem withing half an hour, other times lessening it until I can get to Docs for antibiotics.

another tip ladiesm, and I know it's really naughty, but I often go to the docs when I don't even have it, say I have it and get the tablets on repeat prescription, and I keep some in the house / work / car / bag. it means if it ever comes on I can get them down my throat with a sachet and start fighting it right away, and not be sitting all day bouncing my leg in discomfort till I can get to the docs!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
In a house
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Thanks, I'll think about all of these. I always go to the loo before I ride so I can enjoy it without any discomfort :) I usually wear jodhpurs and standard low rise type knickers..lol at the "lady frilly parts" post...I'm pretty neat down there ;) It's usually having horses on loan that the symptoms begin, my last loan only lasted about 4 months so it might have been getting used to the sensations. I'm told to put my weight on my seat bones so it may also be that. Makes you wonder how men sit in saddles ;)

Mozlar do you mean just applying it to the area like a cream?[/QUOTE
Hi, yes a good liberal coating of the offending part especially where the cystitis feeling comes from. Also after riding after your shower put a thin coating on which soothes any discomfort.
Jenni, I've asked my GP for Meds to keep as reserve and they have always been happy to prescribe a course to keep for an emergency
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Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
Cambridge, UK
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Aww I am very prone to it too :-( There are no toilets down the field my loan horse lives in and all the hedges are so sparse there's nowhere one can go unseen so I am always getting on regardless! I find using Andrex washlets when you go to the loo really helps avoid further attacks of cystitis as you are making sure there is minimal bacteria to be worked up where it shouldn't! I take a bottle about a third full with cranberry juice and the rest water(I find it expensive and too sugary!), then down it all as soon as I feel an attack of it coming on, then remember to make a conscious effort to drink fluids. Oh and avoid caffeine :)