My pair of Tattini boots are not holding up so well, I've had them for a year and a bit, and the left boot's zipper is always failing leaving my whole boot opened with the zipper pull still at the top. This is annoying the living hell out of me since I always have to jump off and fix it.
Also, my horse spooked after training yesterday leaving me on the hard rubble ground, causing my right boot to have a stinking hole in it.
So I need a new pair, but I definitely won’t be buying the tattinis again and I've tried the mountain horse sovereign boots which lasted about 3-4 years with the zipper failing me in the end.
Also worth noting that I have been looking at the deniros, ego7, and parlanti boots.
Any boot recommendations are needed as I find it hard to find good and solid reviews about any of them.
(Also does anyone have stirrup recommendations? Looking for new ones that have a solid grip, safety features, and is good for bad ankles
Also, my horse spooked after training yesterday leaving me on the hard rubble ground, causing my right boot to have a stinking hole in it.
So I need a new pair, but I definitely won’t be buying the tattinis again and I've tried the mountain horse sovereign boots which lasted about 3-4 years with the zipper failing me in the end.
Also worth noting that I have been looking at the deniros, ego7, and parlanti boots.
Any boot recommendations are needed as I find it hard to find good and solid reviews about any of them.
(Also does anyone have stirrup recommendations? Looking for new ones that have a solid grip, safety features, and is good for bad ankles