Mine is fantastic - good up to date website, all results and latest news put up, loads of clinics and comps. also have very good facilities available for clinics and comps too
but very competitive which is def not a downside for me but could be for other people.
Mines great, always sending out news letters, schedules, hold regular meeting, shows, dressage and pleasure rides! Better still, its a 5min hack so no need to stress out when horse decides not to load!
Mine is good have to say - regular letters with info & they have a text service where if there's a change of venue or a reminder for something they text everyone to let them know....
Vivhewe... If your RC isn't keeping you up to date on events, can you not change to another club? I hope to join a club next year when I'm fit, other than that I have never been a member of any such club!
Our riding club is.....not exactly amazing. Not really on the ball when it comes to competitions and then when they do get a team together, they don't provide any training (and then wonder why they don't do wel!) I could go on and on.....
Unfortunately, other riding clubs are too far away so I'm kind of stuck.
Like Noodlejaffa I'm kind of stuck! I joined it as the events are usually within a couple of miles of me and I can ride to them as I don't have transport and trying to get someone else to take me is like getting blood from a stone
I think they'll be getting a bit of a round up and if they are still sh:t then I will be unjoining!
Sounds like your club could do with some new help?
Are you prepared to give them a hand with admin?
The wonderful thing about Clubs is that members are supposed to get involved and help with the running. A club is only as good as it's members.
Our Riding Club is wonderful. The core team work their socks off to put on events that are compared with affilliated comps. I help where ever and whenever I can as do a whole load of my friends. (Been a bit tough with a new baby this year but I have still managed to jump judge at two comps and other odd jobs that can be done with a baby).
Obviously it is a little difficult if the core of the Club is defective, but that is where you need to join up, preferably with a few mates and get helping and suggesting new ideas.
No one can say "I haven't got time" because the core people of our riding club are some of the busiest people I know. Running businesses etc.
The saying goes,,,"If you want something done,,,,ask a busy person"
So come on guys, don't moan about them, get in there and do your bit
Like I said I tried that but mine refused to let me change anything, they mostly concentrate on dressage as none of the commitee really jumps, and when I tried to put my views across re xc courses etc I was ignored.
You have been doing something for a while and you thinnk you do it well. Then someone comes along and starts wanting you to change stuff. You are going to need time to get used to the idea aren't you? You need for the committee to gain confidence in you. They need to be confident that you are reliable, capable and helpful. At that point, that is when people are willing to hand stuff over for you to do.
Does that make sense?
We have seen a few comittee members come along with loads of enthusiasm and ideas but none of it ever materialised. Then others come along and you wonder how you managed without them.
It may well be that your core committee is long in the tooth, stayed in their ways etc. Just don't give up.
Perhaps you could offer to organise a small jumping competition? Or perhaps organise a Jumping Clinic with a good Show Jumping trainer from your area? Or even just offer to help out on the Dressage days and show that you are a reliable, bright member of the team?
Loz1 & I were in charge of the jumping side of things but not only were we expected to organise these without having any say in it we were also bullied ( and I mean bullied!) into helping out at dressage things too.
Basically there was almost no SJ/eventing knowledge before we started helping but despite them having less knowledge than us they refused to listen to our advise. However I wont be putting myself forward for the committee again I was very busy competing this year and due to illness family stuff etc I was spreading myself too thin.
All RC's round here seem to be the same though as my best friend is in the "rival" club & regularly terrorised into doing stuff she is not keen on!!
I am going to a committee meeting for the first time next month. I think there is some trouble brewing in the RC ranks and I am aiming for world domination! I am going to try and get on the committee and change everything, but they don't know that as I am a rank outsider and unknown quantity to them!!!
I am also going to put all my highly competent friends in the teams and win all the RC championships everywhere.
My riding club is ok, they do hold regular clinics and comps and send us newsletters etc, the only bug bear is I wish they would be a bit more competitive especially with the team side of things!! I took over the website updating and editing so atleast I could make sure it was all up to date and looking good, and I'm hoping to get on the commitee so I can kick some peoples bum's in gear
I'm just about to quit our RC committee after 4 years service. It completely lacks democracy and the chair insists things are done her way. I have put so much work in but you just end up completely losing all motivation.
Club members rarely turn up for events which take a great deal of organising and getting helpers is nearly impossible so the committee end up running everything.
Some club members seem to think you should operate like a profit making business and place very high expectations on the committee failing to realise that most of us have full time jobs, families, diy kept horses, dogs, homes to run etc etc.
Another committee member is leaving at the same time as me and as yet noone has volunteered to replaced either of us so our work is being divided among the remaining members until they also get fed up.
I predict late newsletters containing events already held, lack of events, cancelled events and a bunch of disillusioned committee members fielding complaints and wondering why they do it.
It is a little off putting when you are looking for options.
Next year I want to do the RC rounds with the new 'un before affiliating but are there sufficient clubs and quality comps without having to travel hundreds of miles?
I would be MORE than willing to help out so does anyone know a club, competition and training orientated, in Lancashire/cheshire/cumbria?