Riding hats...... Why aren't they wearing them?!?!


Well-Known Member
5 July 2010
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I'm getting so fed up of seeing young riders riding without riding hats, both at the yard and on selfies on facebook. When I was learning how to ride, if we took our hats off in lessons, for whatever reason, we were thrown out! They are there for a reason. I won't say I'll laugh when one of them falls off and seriously hurts themselves but I will have no sympathy whatsoever.
It appears that it is more important for kids/ young riders to look good rather than be safe. Well at least they'll look pretty for the coroner! Sorry rant over.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2011
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I'm getting so fed up of seeing young riders riding without riding hats, both at the yard and on selfies on facebook. When I was learning how to ride, if we took our hats off in lessons, for whatever reason, we were thrown out! They are there for a reason. I won't say I'll laugh when one of them falls off and seriously hurts themselves but I will have no sympathy whatsoever.
It appears that it is more important for kids/ young riders to look good rather than be safe. Well at least they'll look pretty for the coroner! Sorry rant over.

Me too. At our yard it is a rule that anyone under 16 MUST wear a riding hat at all times. We had one young girl who insisted on riding her horse to and from the field bareback without a hat - despite this horse bolting with her on the road and being a gerneal loon to ride! I Remember screaming at her from the other side of the field to get off, and as I was only 3 years her senior her father got a bit shirty. Did make me laugh how he didnt seam to be that bothered, yet insisted that she wore a body protector at all times when riding properly.

I will admit there are a very select few horses that I will occasionally ride without a had but it it always in the sandschool or somewhere with a soft landing, and I NEVER jump without one.


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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Me too. At our yard it is a rule that anyone under 16 MUST wear a riding hat at all times. We had one young girl who insisted on riding her horse to and from the field bareback without a hat - despite this horse bolting with her on the road and being a gerneal loon to ride! I Remember screaming at her from the other side of the field to get off, and as I was only 3 years her senior her father got a bit shirty. Did make me laugh how he didnt seam to be that bothered, yet insisted that she wore a body protector at all times when riding properly.

I will admit there are a very select few horses that I will occasionally ride without a had but it it always in the sandschool or somewhere with a soft landing, and I NEVER jump without one.

so the horses you ride dont have hard hooves?


Well-Known Member
5 July 2010
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No I suppose I don't need to rant about it, I just get frustrated with peoples lack of common sense. And I can guarantee if they fall off and hurt themselves the horse will usually end up suffering just as much as them.
I just don't see why you'd put yourself at risk unnecessarily, we do get stories (not often mind) of riders dying because of injuries caused by the sport and people are investing millions in improving safety for horse and rider and someone can't be bothered to spend 5 seconds putting their hat on because it will mess up their hair, or their foundation will rub off.


Well-Known Member
8 October 2011
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I will admit there are a very select few horses that I will occasionally ride without a had but it it always in the sandschool or somewhere with a soft landing, and I NEVER jump without one.

Whilst this is clearly your choice, I just wanted to share that I took a fall in the sand school during a flat schooling session. I landed on my head in the arena and amongst spinal injuries, I bruised my brain. I was wearing a hat. In A&E I was told by the consultant that I would have been in a coma if I hadn't been wearing one. The point of this is, despite landing on a sand based arena it still caused serious injury. Please don't assume that sand is fine to land on with your head, it's just softer than the road.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2011
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Whilst this is clearly your choice, I just wanted to share that I took a fall in the sand school during a flat schooling session. I landed on my head in the arena and amongst spinal injuries, I bruised my brain. I was wearing a hat. In A&E I was told by the consultant that I would have been in a coma if I hadn't been wearing one. The point of this is, despite landing on a sand based arena it still caused serious injury. Please don't assume that sand is fine to land on with your head, it's just softer than the road.

I appreciate that and sorry to hear about your accident. I don't make a regular habbit of riding without a hat at all I would not reccomend it and wouldn't do it in company of those who may be impressionable to copy me. It has litterally been when I need to hope on for a quick session when it has been hot. Not making excuses and of course anything can happen even on the quietest of horses.

twiggy2 of course they do, and as stated above I don't make a regular habit of riding without one. But the 2 that I would have I knew very well and trusted
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Nugget La Poneh

Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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I did a beach ride in Spain and one of the things they offer is photos so everyone whips off their hats and let their horse bog off across the sands. I didn't - my hat stayed firmly on my head! There is a group shot and I am in the middle, with my bright white hat on :D

I knew law of the sod that meant having spent weeks finding an insurance policy that covered beach riding, that the one time the hat came off would be when an accident happened.

Even in the US I wore a hat for western riding.

I feel naked without one!!!


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Their head, their business. Why anyone needs to rant about it I don't know.

This really.

Life is too short to get hung up on what other people are doing. If you aren't directly responsible for these kids, then one has to question the parents/guardians who let them do this.

As for the argument that then usually follows - '..more stress on hospitals and emergency services etc etc' you might as well rant at all the smokers, alcoholics and people with weight problems.

Live and let live, and if they want to chance it then let them get on with it.
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Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Personally I always ride in a hat. I have in the past jumped on bareback with no hat for a wander - stupid really because anything can happen at any time. But I have to say I'm in the boat of "their head their choice"


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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I was horrified to see a well known and respected riding school post a video on the FB page of the instructor/proprietor riding without a hat, asking for as many 'likes' as they could get. Followed by dozens of kids liking it. :-(


Well-Known Member
24 August 2012
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At the yard down from me in the summer the girls go out riding in just bikini's no shoes or anything and they are either talking on the phone or texting on the road. Although they may be a bit more sensible now as one of them had a serious accident on the road a few weeks back.


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10 March 2008
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I don't just wear one for riding. turning out young/frisky or strange horses. Loading - always.

When we take our young stallion to endurance events in France they all know I am a Brit. Parked the furthest from the vet gate, surrounded by flirty mares, tents, kids with footballs and mad dogs - you be I wear a hat and I put him on a long line. He is actually very well behaved but we don't want to take a risk.

risky business

Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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This really.

Life is too short to get hung up on what other people are doing. If you aren't directly responsible for these kids, then one has to question the parents/guardians who let them do this.

As for the argument that then usually follows - '..more stress on hospitals and emergency services etc etc' you might as well rant at all the smokers, alcoholics and people with weight problems.

Live and let live, and if they want to chance it then let them get on with it.

I agree with this ^


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Their head, their business. Why anyone needs to rant about it I don't know.


The argument that someone has to pick up the pieces is true for anyone who gets on a horse. A friend has been in a coma for months after a brain injury following a riding accident. She was wearing a hat and a BP.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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The argument that someone has to pick up the pieces is true for anyone who gets on a horse. A friend has been in a coma for months after a brain injury following a riding accident. She was wearing a hat and a BP.

Yes true. But if you saw someone loading their kid into the front seat of a car and driving off without a seat belt on them it would still be pretty horrifying. I always feel it's the same for adults who let their kids ride without a hat.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Yes true. But if you saw someone loading their kid into the front seat of a car and driving off without a seat belt on them it would still be pretty horrifying. I always feel it's the same for adults who let their kids ride without a hat.

I'd agree when its very young children who rely on their parents to make sensible decisions on their behalf. I think adults can make their own decisions.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2008
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I always always always wear one.

I had a big shock as to how impressionable kids are when one of the liveries 6 year old son came out with how he wanted to wear a body protector like me, and wanted to wear it in the same style as me. I've only been on the yard 4 months and he's only send me ride once or twice, but clearly I made an impact!

If you don't wear a hat whilst riding then I'm afraid I think you are being stupid, but if you don't wear a hat whilst riding infront of impressionable people then I think you are down right irresponsible.


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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Always without fail hat and gloves. I cannot ride without gloves. So what is the purpose to ride without a hat? Never really got it? To show off? To say "my horse is bomb proof and I can stay on anything?" Nope still don't get it?


Well-Known Member
26 October 2013
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I don't understand why people wouldn't want to protect their most valuable asset ........................ their brain. You're not much of a person with a damaged one.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2013
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When driving to the yard, I drove past a woman riding alone with no hat and no hi vis. It's a country road which generally isn't too busy but you do get a lot of lorries.

I'd never seen her or her horse before, but I couldn't help thinking she was mental.
Yes, each to their own and all that but not only was she putting her own safety on the line, but other road users and her horse too (especially regarding the no hi vis).