Well-Known Member
Hi can anyone advise as to what vettings if any riding school horses are subject to? Like dp local authorities make them have the equivalent of a two stage annually as part of the licensing?
They check eyes and watch them being ridden at walk & trot. Quick check of tack.
Although it's a few years since I had to ride a dozen ponies for a RS inspection so might have changed.
Depends where you are. All vets inspecting riding schools have to be on the approved list. A council cannot use a vet not on the list. The problems often seen will be licensing officers who are not equine experienced. I know of vets who have been met by officers in high heels and smart suits. One authority sends a food officer out and another who sends a HMO officer out. Personally I think that is an insult to the inspecting vet and the premise owner. One premises had a officer turn up and advise the vet that getting wet and walking through mud was not acceptable and simply returned to her car and left the vet to it.Someone I know who has a trekking centre said that the inspection is cursory at best.