Riding with a hip piercing


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I take it the hip piercing is a dermal anchor?

It's only a teeny spike.

I'd be more worried about tight fitting jodhpurs causing friction and infecting. Perhaps a dressing and some big knickers over the top?

Age restrictions apply for certain piercings, but a dermal anchor is so minor I believe they can be done under 18 without parental consent.

Hopefully she went to a reputable piercer and not somewhere that will give her hepatitis.....

Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I take it the hip piercing is a dermal anchor?

It's only a teeny spike.

I'd be more worried about tight fitting jodhpurs causing friction and infecting. Perhaps a dressing and some big knickers over the top?

Age restrictions apply for certain piercings, but a dermal anchor is so minor I believe they can be done under 18 without parental consent.

Hopefully she went to a reputable piercer and not somewhere that will give her hepatitis.....

HAHA I would imagine the hip piercing is for other ppls viewing so I can't see her wearing big knickers!


Well-Known Member
9 January 2010
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Its probably not a dermal anchor, but an actual bar with ball at each end. I hope its not a metal one, it should be plastic and slightly bent.

It wont last, I had one about an inch under my belly button for a month or so, they just dont settle. Now I have two ugly dots under my belly button.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Dermols just drop out don't they? And put in such a place it won't last 2 minutes stick a plaster on and tell her to 'suck it up and remember not to be so daft next time' The £30 could have bought something that would of lasted a lot longer.

I used to be 'that' kid and I had piercings and a tattoo but in places so not to affect my riding or day to day stuff- I want another tat on my foot but know my riding boots with rub it. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
7 March 2009
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It wont last, I had one about an inch under my belly button for a month or so, they just dont settle. Now I have two ugly dots under my belly button.[/QUOTE]

She already has the ugly dots around her navel and by the sounds of it will soon have a matching one on her hip. I hope it does drop out soon. Bl**dy kids.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2009
West Wales
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Oh she's 16... Let her rebel ; )

I had my ears at 4 belly at 11 tongue at 15 again at 16, nipple at 16 then 19 and nose at 18. None have ever effected my riding ; )

You must have very understanding parents...no way in a million years would i let any of mine have anything like that done at such young ages. My daughter wants snake bites & ive told her shes wasnt having them done till shes 16 (which she is next month sadly)...for that matter i only let her dye her hair for the first time last year lol. I really dont get all these weird piercings at all....& dont even go there with ear stretcher thingys, which my daughter has got & i didnt notice for ages. Thankfully the rest of my kids have no interest in piercings of any sort.

Kellys Heroes

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13 May 2010
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Ouch I can imagine how painful that would be if it got caught...I've got 9 piercings and one tattoo (all piercings are in my ears, can be removed and my tattoo is on my shoulder so easily hidden - the conditions set by my mum! I am 22 by the way!!!) if my horse catches my ear even though they've been done for years, it still stings!!!
Illegal for under 18s I'm afraid - I had to produce ID for my cartilage piercings and my tattoo - my ear lobe ones were fine.
K x


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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Some places are pretty strict about piercing/tattooing under 16 - some don't seem to care. I was 14 when I got my first tattoo and I think I was 15 when I got a cartilage piercing


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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Some places are pretty strict about piercing/tattooing under 16 - some don't seem to care. I was 14 when I got my first tattoo and I think I was 15 when I got a cartilage piercing

And these are the places that frighten me.

I got my first tattoo in the back of a junk shop on my 16th birthday (I lied to the tattooist). It's a dreadful tattoo.

I'm damn lucky it was clean.

If I'd gone to a halfway decent place, they'd have told me to get lost until 18 and I wouldn't have a 'Pegasus' on my belly that looks more like a My Little Pony with smallpox:(

Kellys Heroes

Well-Known Member
13 May 2010
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After I got my tatt done at Selfridges, I won't go anywhere else for piercings etc now - I found it all so professional and rather scary when I think about the little dark corners of shops I've had one or two piercings done in probably by someone with a Microsoft certificate and a drink habit!!!!
K x


Well-Known Member
26 October 2010
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This thread has given me the heeby geebies! :eek: The thought of piercings being pulled out makes me feel sick! I have pierced ears and won't ride in anything other than the tiniest studs - even then, I am conscious of the possibility of them being pulled out - bit of a wimp, I know - it is bordering on a phobia!

I guess it's too late to do anything now - with any luck, by the sounds of it, it won't last long and maybe the school will make her take it out anyway.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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Just looked up hip piercing.....am tempted now, was looking for something else to get pierced. Will they ALL grow out though? That is ming mong!!

And as for her doing it against your will, I am 22, and am sure if i was told not to when I was her age, I would to spite my parents. Teenagers are horrid creatures!!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
South Wales
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Hollie all surface piercings will grow out eventually, however mine has lasted very well, i look after it as it still needs cleaning now and again, but i also have a flesh tunnel which i clean every day anyway, so i think if you have good management then it will last longer.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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Scary Stuff! I got belly, nose, ear and just got tragus done. But all my others have been fine. A lobe piercing was ripped out when I was young, friend accidentally caught it. Have a upside down V in my lobe now.
Anyway that will put me off for a while. :( I'll get a tat instead lol!


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29 November 2005
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I am pretty sure that teenage kids are sent to try us!

My daughter told me (by text) a day before we were due to go on holiday to Portugal that she had had her belly button pierced :eek: She is 15! She had walked into a shop with her friend (also 15) and had it done two month previous but was too scared to tell me :(

I was so shocked and so upset that I said I would go on holiday alone and not take her (although I did in the end - being the softy that I am!)

I could have gone to the shop and made merry hell but I don't suppose it would do any good as its done now and kids these days looks so much older than they are :( She is very tall and could easily pass for 18.

OP - hopefully your daughter will find it extremely uncomfortable riding and working at the RS and wish she never had it done in the first place - she may well learn a lesson from it!


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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Hi all, much to my disgust my 16 year old daughter has had her hip pierced today - I'm worried how this will affect her in terms of riding? She starts an apprenticeship this week at a riding school which is obviously quite physical. Anyone had their hip pierced? If so, could you ride straight away (as the guy in the shop said she could before he took her money), what's the worry with infections, getting the piercing caught on clothing etc. Worried sick so any advice gratefully received.
I guess she is just finding her way in the world I guess she will do the exact opposit of what you would like, hopefully its a passing phase maybe say nothing and let her get on with it it hopefully she will realise piecing apart from ears looks a mess and grow out of it ...
but as long as she is safe and healthy well thats whats realy important.....


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I guess she is just finding her way in the world I guess she will do the exact opposit of what you would like, hopefully its a passing phase maybe say nothing and let her get on with it it hopefully she will realise piecing apart from ears looks a mess and grow out of it ...
but as long as she is safe and healthy well thats whats realy important.....

Agree with this. My teenagers used to ask my opinion before doing something stupid, I'd say what I thought, they'd go off and do it anyway, I'd sigh and wait to pick up the pieces while resisting the temptation to say 'I told you so'.
My secret weapon was the older siblings/ sensible friends, whose advice held more street cred than mine.

OP, I'm sure your daughter is lovely and worth a few grey hairs.


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8 September 2009
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I would strongly advise your daughter to take responsibility for her actions and notify her new boss, manager and any riding instructors she may have. If a piercing gets pushed into the body it can cause a lot of internal damage. (as can underwire bra's). The point can puncture an organ and come back out again, leaving a small wound on the skin which is often missed. The punctured organ is often undetected for a while causing more problems.
The boss may get her to sign somoething to say she takes personal full responsibility for wearing non visible body piercings at work.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
South Wales
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Its just a piercing at the end of the day, you can get a scar from anything! I’ve got a rather large scar on my leg, from a swimming pool of all things!! My dad hates them, and moans every time i get something else, but it doesn’t stop me from getting it done, if anything i do it all the more!! There’s worse things your daughter could be getting up to! And IF it does affect her riding, then she will have to make a decision on whether to take it out, chances are once healed she will put something over it to cover it from her breeches rubbing. A piercing does not affect her ability to work, i have a professional job and hide the majority of my tattoos and piercing’s without any issues.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
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Never really understood the need to pierce something

I did my belly (having nothing else done) after uni, and my god that hurt and never again. It also grew out, so pointless

As for the other piercing, well I don't think sticking metal in you enhances you looks and there is plenty of opportunity for pain around horses.

Plus facial piercings make you look like a chav

Still how about this then folks


Well-Known Member
8 February 2011
Nr. Boston, Lincs
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I have 4 dermals in my hip.
If it's bar then it will grow out and leave a scar but if its dermals they'll stay in until removed.
Just keep them clean with salt water. Probably won't affect her riding..hasn't affected mine but they do occasionally catch on things and get puffy which hurts. Mine cost 100 all together which wasn't too bad. but keep them clean with a plaster over for as long as needed :)

Tiny Fluffy Coblet

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7 January 2011
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The point can puncture an organ and come back out again, leaving a small wound on the skin which is often missed.

I would be really interested to hear any cases of this? I didn't think it was possible? do you have any links to articles or anything?