Road Safety

How much was your horse/pony?

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Well-Known Member
25 March 2006
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kind of looks to me that we are more complacent about hi vis when leading - strange.

I have a hi vis bomber jacket that i wear all winter and a tabard that i wear the rest of the year. hi vis leg wraps for both of mine and an exercise sheet and tail wrap in lovely hi vis yellow for Jack.

I would not consider riding or leading on the road without some form of hi vis wear.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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I wear Hi-viz all the time. I came back into riding a few years ago after a 35yr break and was only too glad to have the stuff available!!
Malaga isn't backed yet (Going to "boarding school" on Sunday) but since I got him I have walked him out in my ho-viz (Still got walloped by a car mirror though!)
You haven't mentioned Carriage or SaddleChariot drivers though?
Yes I think it should be compulsory but I didn't know it was for cycists are you sure?



15 November 2006

Yes I think it should be compulsory but I didn't know it was for cycists are you sure?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi-Vis isn't, but lights and reflectives are for cyclists.

Yes - carriages etc are an important issue too - but I didn'y want to overwhelm people with too many options!

I haven't come across much hi vis stuff for driving - do you find it hard to come by?


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Kent - Garden of England
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I always wear a tabard (at the very least) even if it's a baking hot sunny day. As a car driver it is so much easier to see riders with flouro gear on but, sadly alot of youngsters don't seem to appreciate that.
Something should be done to make all riders wear high vis gear on roads - I would welcome it becoming compulsory. Maybe flouro gear needs to become more 'cool' for teenagers to wear it? I know people will say that you can't MAKE people wear this sort of stuff but I think it is a matter of consideration for other road users, treating the road with respect and taking into account just how dangerous most roads are these days.
Sorry to get on the soapbox etc but this is an issue close to my heart. Only two weeks ago a drove to my yard passing two of the girls who keep their horses there. It was half past four - very gloomy - pouring with rain and they were both on dark bay horses with no light clothing or flourescent gear on whatsoever. I was only doing 35 mph round a bend and I only saw them when I was less than 20 m away from their back legs. If I owned the yard I simply wouldn't let under 18s go out without flouro.

I will now dismount from my soapbox!!


Well-Known Member
6 October 2005
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I always wear at least a tabard when hacking, summer or winter. And I bought a yellow fluorescent jacket when I was in a fishing chandlers shop this summer, it only cost about £15 and I will start wearing it daily soon. At the yard I'm at we do have to cross busy roads and I would be looked at more strangely if I didn't have anything fluorescent on.

But we are in the minority locally, but I would rather give a driver more time to see me.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2005
Penistone, South Yorkshire
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I ride regularly on very busy roads on the edge of a major city. I would never ever go out without a tabard, and have recently started wearing hi-viz leg bands too and a hat cover too. I need to invest in some more stuff yet. I don't often lead, but if I do, again, the hi-viz goes on.

I hate seeing riders without - it's unnessecary in my book, but obviously some people are oblivious to the dangers.

Interestingly, I always feel vulnerable when giving hand signals, and I've been on the lookout for some hiviz riding gloves (not yukky woolly ones) so if anyone can let me know where you can buy them, then I would wear them. I would also carry a hi-viz schooling whip too, if I could get one.

I personally believe it should be made illegal not to wear hi-viz, but also believe that riders need to take a bit more responsibility for themselves too, and many (I know not all, before I get jumped on) ride dangerously, talking on the phone, etc etc etc. I could rant on!!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Yes I'd love some Hi-viz gloves! I found one pair but the seams were so thin the soon came apart.I'm suprised their are'nt many advertised in catalogues.
They do some nice polo and Tee shirts though.
I bought a lightweight coat from the Millets Sale last winter (I find most jackets on sale too bulky and heavy)