Robinsons sale - am i delusional??

Ginge Crosby

Well-Known Member
7 April 2009
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Must admit - i'm really dissapointed this time around by them. Usually the only problems during sales i have ever encountered involved the website crashing due to demand which is understandable, and being unsure if payment has gone thru. Both of which are issues i put up with as the items arrive quickly and are just what they say on the tin - cheap crap or not.

When i bought my horse 2 years ago it coincided with an autumn sale, and i managed to get virtually his whole winter wardrobe (about 6 good rugs), boots, bridle, martingale plus extras for me for less than £200.

As for the prices changing when you select size etc, they dont change when i choose what i want, they stay at the sale price, even when you request the total the prices are at sale, but the total is different.

It wont stop me shopping there this time - with their sales it seems to be luck of the draw, maybe next time i should just get up earlier and attack rather than wait for the rush to die down.

Ginge Crosby

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7 April 2009
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The sale section is crap, only stuff in sale is stupid colours or sizes otherwise it's FULL PRICE. /QUOTE]

its stupid rug sizes i want (and don't give a monkies about colours, it'll end up covered in mud anyway)- 4ft 3 for midgit pony (i'm used to shopping for 6ft 6 which is always a nightmare in sales!) so thought i'd be in better luck than when i shop for my big boy!


Well-Known Member
5 August 2011
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I nearly posted the same thing.
Computer kept crashing all yesterday morning and all the sale prices didnt add up - I spoke to what I assume a 12 year old girl who told me tough, prices were as quoted and had lots of people already complaining about this - waste of time! :mad:

Ginge Crosby

Well-Known Member
7 April 2009
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I just spent another half hour on the website trying again - spoke to 2 different livechat operators who told me different things - first one said if you add items to wishlist then add to trolley from there it would rectify problem. Tried this, only it wouldnt let me add from wishlist without putting in item specifics (size/colour), which i'd done...... spoke to another one who said that if you go thru it the usual way then pay, the total that 'should be taken off your card will be the sales total' and if it wasnt they'd 'obviously refund the difference'. Yea, not sure i'm happy to go with that, just in case!

So i decided to do it the 'old fashioned' way and ring.... been trying for another half hour and line is constantly busy. Maybe the god of rugs is desperately telling me not to bother, and that midgit pony is hardcore enough to go without rugs this winter....... lol


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25 February 2003
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Trust me it isn't any better when you're there in person!!

Hedgewitch and I went to their megastore in Basingstoke on Saturday. We had a bite to eat in the cafe, the food (jacket spud) was cold served by a long haired youngster using his bare hands. The place was FILTHY. Anyway I digress..

When I got to the till to pay for my Mountain Horse Boots clearly labled at £67 the till price was £78. I refused to pay and stated that I would only pay £67, eventually the manager arrived who steadfastly refused to sell them to me. She said that the prices are fixed by headoffice and there was nothing she could do. I refused to pay for them so they lost the sale, and my custom because its not an experiance I want to repeat any time soon.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2011
east scotland
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Robinsons used to be really good to, good veriety of products at reasonable prices, but now the quality of products are not that great and can be a bit expensive. Probably wont be shopping there again.

Ginge Crosby

Well-Known Member
7 April 2009
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f-hiiiinally got thru on the phone, and miraculously everything i wanted was in stock (and at the correct sale prices!). So hopefully it will all arrive ok.

Ginge Crosby

Well-Known Member
7 April 2009
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i've got 2 of their stable rugs - both are good. One is a lightweight that fits in the washing machine, and one is a heavier weight. Their turnouts aren't as good quality - for some reason they seem to think velcro detachable tail flaps are a good idea but IMO they're just that - detachable (and looseable!!). I save mine for doing patch repairs when the ginger rug-shredder gets bored. The fit of turnouts isnt great either - not much room for movement.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2011
Rainy Cumbria!
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I actually found that their rugs have been the best quality out of all their Requisite products, admittedly no they dont compare with say weatherbeetas etc but they do the job.


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
Picardie France
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I used to use robinsons for everything. Won't go near them now they have gone so downhill. They rarely stock any new stuff, they have sold the same stuff for years. The prices aren't what they used to be and neither is the quality ! Their sale SUCKS. The only cheap stuff is things in stupid sizes in hideous patterns and colours.


Use ebay for everything now :D


Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
Morocco - Casablanca
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Totally agree with all the comments about the decline in quality of the sales etc. The website is awful and I've emailed them on several occasions to tell them this but alas, deaf ears...... I swore I wouldn't get anything else but this year I did buy a couple of standing martingales and some cheap headcollars and lead ropes and am still waiting for them to arrive. This may take up to a month as last time it took even longer.


Well-Known Member
6 January 2011
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A couple of years ago, hubby took me to the Robinson's megastore (somewhere i had dreamed of going since a child) I was so disappointed it was a mess, and all I ended up buying was a saddle stand.

luckily Derbyhouse wasn't far and even if I couldnt really afford (or fit into the clothes) I got to ooh and ahh at nice horsey stuff :)

it really annoys me when they say something is in the sale and then its either limited stock colour choices or only a few pounds off. it seems a lot of tack shops do that to me... save £3 on a £50 rug pfft.

The best place I have found for bargains is 'your horse live' and you get a day out thrown in as well :)


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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The quality of robinson's stuff is usually pretty bad, haven't got anything from there for years, luckily I live about 5 mins form Derby House, so they get most of my business.