Rocket Fuel for Shetlands


Well-Known Member
28 August 2009
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Ha! That got your attention!

Let me explain - We are taking our new Shetland to Equifest this year (4 day stay away show to those of you who are not in the know) and I am a little bit concerned that he may lose his mojo as the week goes on. Do any of you have any ideas of a feed that will keep his get up and go keep get up and coming?

Now for the disclaimer before they keyboard warriors start. He is NOT fat, in fact I'm also worried he might drop off at the show as he has never been to a 'sleep over' before! This will be our 8th year of going so know how stressful it can be but he is pretty laid back. Whatever we decide to use will be introduced slowly before the event to check for any adverse reaction.

He is a ridden Shetland so will be doing ridden, workers and in hand classes - busy boy!

Have any of you ever used anything temporarily when you have extended stays at shows?

Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
30 December 2009
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I find with mine the key is keeping them hydrated rather than giving them more/different feed. When away they don't get the moisture from grazing and most are standing in more than usual. Mine also drink less when away which can make them flat. I feed regular meals of sloppy speedibeet, 3 or 4 times a day and it really seems to help and reduce them loosing their sparkle when away from home.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I find with mine the key is keeping them hydrated rather than giving them more/different feed. When away they don't get the moisture from grazing and most are standing in more than usual. Mine also drink less when away which can make them flat. I feed regular meals of sloppy speedibeet, 3 or 4 times a day and it really seems to help and reduce them loosing their sparkle when away from home.

I agree with keeping them hydrated but I would use sloppy grassnuts to replace some of the grazing and give a bit of oomph, add a bit of linseed and salt or if it is very hot some electrolytes and he should be fine, you can increase the grassnuts if he requires a bit more or drops weight, most find them palatable and they can be soaked easily.


Well-Known Member
28 August 2009
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Thanks guys - yes I was thinking more down the route of fibre but the fluid intake is an interesting point I had not thought of!

The Fuzzy Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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It can be a nuisance, but I used to get mine eating soaked hay over a while at home (old haylage bags sliced across 1 side are great for soaking tiddlers hay in, in a mini net when you get there) so i ensured they got enough moisture in. Always helped when we showed the small breeds as they were the busiest ones!