rockwood harriers new years day


Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
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well all i can say is what a day the ground was hard so we were abit hesitant as to what we were going to be able to do. but off we went into the 1st field where hounds soon finished the 1st "trail" soon enough hounds were screaming full cry going away what i sight gone away over the hill dropped into the wood hunted through the wood with great determination out the other side across the open fields past our kennels down into a little embankment and the second trail ended there. we then went into a little wood which hounds didnt speak in so we pulled hounds out. they pushed through a nice little gorse patch the odd hound started speaking then they all joined in they quickly went away. but that trail was brought quickly to an end. on wards to another trail which they spoke on under the railway embankment and again went away over a ditch and and along a river bank. where hounds couldnt find the trail again.

we started moving off to the next section of country but hounds got their noses down again and bang they were gone screaming in full cry firstly over stublel onto a old turf to a seed field and then onto a rough field for the trail to be completed. so we got hounds back together and pushed on to draw another gorse banking as we rode across country hounds dropped their noses again and still not tiring flew across the country speaking like there was no tomorrow there was no way across the country and all we could do was watch. As they hunted around the banking they checked swung round in a circle found the line and as quick as they lost it they found it again screaming down to the back of the pit stack and another "trail" completed. after no success at the gorse banking we went on to the next valley hounds spoke very slightly but i think the scent may have been laid a little too long as they couldnt get hold of the line. We went on to another wood where hounds took heel line out of the wood so we got them back put them back on the line but unfortunatly darkness stopped play at 4.30. At which point it was pitch black so we had to ring girlf's mum to escort us
home. sorry for essay but hey was a great day and that was the short version hounds litterally never stopped all day.


New User
24 December 2009
Visit site never mentioned about random hounds being found wondering around the village with no whips coming to retreive them,also were you " all on" at the end of the day?


Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
Visit site
1 i think u will find there was some1 with them and they were brought back on and no we were light but all on very soon afterwards. any thing else rachel?


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
Visit site never mentioned about random hounds being found wondering around the village with no whips coming to retreive them,also were you " all on" at the end of the day?
ha, cannot resist, sounds like the Rockwood I knew and left...