Romanian rescue. Brucella Canis.


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11 February 2018
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Hannah Ouston. 5 November 2020

"This is Loki. Loki was rescued from Romania this year. He came into a loving and adoring home as our first dog and he was perfect in every way.

Until he went lame. Until he started screaming at night in absolute agony. Until he was stood with his nose to the floor unable to move.

Loki had Brucellosis (Brucella Canis). Whilst almost eradicated in the UK, it is more common in Romania. It is zoonotic, and so can travel from dogs to humans. It is incurable. It can be tested for. APHA & PHE guidance in the UK is currently that dogs with it are not walked on public land, not allowed around any other dogs and shouldn’t be near children. That’s no life for a dog, and that’s notwithstanding the pain he was in. Loki crossed the rainbow bridge on 25/10.

7 dogs this year rescued from Romania have been put down - this has not been published by any charities that I’ve seen. Loki’s siblings are positive, as is his mother, all re-homed in England.

Obviously I am pro-rescue but these dogs NEED to be tested before being shipped over here because I can barely stand the heartbreak. If I mention it on charity pages it gets deleted. So here’s the unfiltered version.

PLEASE get your dogs tested for brucellosis. Perhaps if there’s more cases PHE & APHA will review their guidance. And if you’re rescuing from Romania, PLEASE insist they get this test first before allowing them to send you your dog. There are 8 heartbroken families in the UK right now, and that’s just the ones I know of.

If your dog is sometimes snappy for no reason, shows any signs of pain or being uncomfortable and there’s no reason for it, get them tested. Remember it can be asymptomatic so no symptoms isn’t necessarily a safe point.

Sorry for the long post but please message me if you have any questions. And please SHARE so those who need to see this.

**UPDATE thank you everyone for your kind comments and questions - I’m trying to get round to all of them.

Please do not mention any charity by name on this post. This is to raise awareness of the illness, not bring charities under scrutiny. I will try to remove comments that do so, please don’t take offence, just re-post without mentioning charities by name

**UPDATE 2 the charity we adopted from have made a public announcement and are now testing all dogs before they leave. There are still other charities in denial about this who remove any mention of it from their pages. Please remember if rescuing from abroad to ask them to test for this first."
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Errin Paddywack

Well-Known Member
20 June 2019
West Midlands
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I find it hard to believe after all the effort this country went to to try and eradicate brucellosis in cattle that there isn't a requirement for dogs to be tested before import. I assume since people can catch it that other species can too. I know people can catch it from cattle, a lot of vets caught it before it became widely known about. I had a pony once that we couldn't keep sound. In the end my vet suggested testing her for brucellosis. She came up negative but because my address was a farm (pony wasn't kept there at the time thankfully) my FIL was hassled by Min of Ag just because a test was recorded even though it was negative. To hear that dogs can be imported with no checks is mind boggling.
I have friends who farm on Bodmin and twice had their herd of cattle destroyed because of a positive brucellosis test.