RSPCA At It Again, Red Faces All Around.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
This is unashamedly taken from the Grass Route email today from the Countryside Alliance - Another own goal for the RSPCA, a kick in the teeth for their donators and red faces for the police I think.

"A few years ago we produced a series of adverts of 'ordinary' hunting people with text asking whether they were "criminals". 'Nice PR,' the media commented, but I am not sure they ever believed that it was more than just a clever image, whereas for us it was a chilling prediction of what was in store.

This week saw the strongest evidence yet that our prediction was right. On Tuesday in Kings Lynn Magistrates Court Les Anderson, 80, and Mary Birkbeck, 77, who are pictured below were convicted of a criminal offence under the Hunting Act. Mr Anderson is Chairman of the Kimberly and Wymondham Greyhound Club and last winter organised two events in December and January on Miss Birkbeck's farm with her consent. These events were not coursing as Les had known it during the 62 years he had been involved. They were trials held under a set of rules developed with legal advice to fit within the terms of the Hunting Act. The greyhounds were muzzled, the field surrounded by netting to ensure that hares could exit but the greyhounds could not; guns were placed in adjacent fields to shoot hares and three judges were tasked with deciding which dog was most useful in driving hares to the guns. Not content with simply implementing these rules Mr Anderson also informed the police when events were taking place and sent a copy of the rules to them. The police sergeant who received the rules considered them with the local wildlife officer, and they advised Mr Anderson that they thought the events would be legal.

Meanwhile the animal rights movement had swung into action against these 'dangerous' people. The League Against Cruel Sports commissioned Mike Huskisson, an individual with a nasty animal rights past, to "co-ordinate" an operation that also involved professional activists from IFAW as well as the RSPCA. They staked out the first event, hiding in hedges (as they love to do) with their long lens cameras. The intended dramatic effect however went rather flat when it was revealed that when Michael Butcher of the RSPCA turned up at the second event in January of this year he was invited in, shown what was happening and even given a cup of coffee. Notwithstanding the welcome he was given, Butcher, having 'discovered' who had arranged the event and on whose land it took place, started the process of bringing a private prosecution against them and a third man, Bob Fryer.

The trial, which started on Monday, was in turn both farcical and disturbing. A local policeman, dragged into a case he clearly wanted nothing to do with, denied having approved the clubs plans until his own voice on Mr Anderson's voicemail was played back to the court. An RSPCA employee failed to properly administer a caution, which led to all charges against Mr Fryer being dropped. But then there was the unedifying scene of the RSPCA's barrister cross examining the 80 year old Mr Anderson, who spent two hours in the witness box, on pathetic points of law, as if he was some risk to society.

Section 5 of the Hunting Act is unjust even by the standards of this remarkably unjust law. If a court decides that an activity is coursing then everyone who participates in, attends, facilitates or permits that event to happen on their land is guilty of a criminal offence. It does not matter that they clearly believed what they were doing was legal. They are criminals. The Judge took the view that in this instance what was happening was coursing as defined by the Act and that despite the fact that "sincere attempts have been made to bring the activity within the law" Mr Anderson and Miss Birkbeck were guilty. Do not underestimate the severity of this law. Even if Miss Birkbeck had not attended she would have been found guilty on the basis that she had given permission for an event which she very reasonably believed was legal.

The District Judge could only rule on the law, stupid though we know it to be, although he does have latitude in sentencing which he made full use of. Instead of a fine he issued Mr Anderson and Miss Birkbeck with a Conditional Discharge, which is judicial shorthand for a mild ticking off. And whilst the RSPCA tried to recoup the £15,000 of their members money they had spent in bringing the prosecution he ordered that just £2000 should be paid.

Of all those involved in this farce the RSPCA has the most questions to answer. Why is a charity which is supposed to focus on animal welfare wasting thousands of pounds dragging elderly people (who even the Judge acknowledged had no criminal intent) through the courts? The answer from that organisation is, unbelievably, that they "believed it was in the public interest". If anyone needed any evidence of the nonsense of that statement it was readily available in court. On one side sat the professional animal rights activists. Not a single member of the public supporting them, or the prosecution, attended the trial. On the other side were packed sons, grand-daughters, nephews and friends of the accused. Kings Lynn Magistrates can rarely have seen such a crowd and the case had to be moved to the vacant Crown Court to accommodate them. The feeling in Norfolk was quite clear.

No-one should have to go through the nonsense that Mr Anderson and Miss Birkbeck did this week. However, they can be proud of the fact that their honesty has made a mockery of this prosecution and provided the clearest illustration yet of why the Hunting Act is on borrowed time and must be repealed.

Simon Hart
Chief Executive


Well-Known Member
5 February 2007
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i'm very very rarely speechless, MFH.....

but i cannot think of anything to add here.....



Well-Known Member
26 October 2008
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Maybe a petition to the Charity Commissioners is required? If the RSPCA wishes to behave like a government agency, they should not have charitable status.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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TBH the age of the people should have nothing to do it, just the basic facts, which sounds like it was stupidity on the part of the local police.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2006
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I live very near Kings Lynn and there has been NOTHING on any of the local news....


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Yes there was, there was a report on Look East on it yesterday, they visited the site and interviewed the man involved.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2008
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I cannot believe that the RSPCA would waste their money on something as ridiculous as persecuting innocent (imo) people when there are animals suffering right on their doorstep ! What on earth has happened to this society ? They should hang their heads in shame !


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Oh believe it; they're not animal rescuers any more unless there is good publicity in it for them I'm afraid!

Such a shame that this once very good society which did the job it was meant to do, now cares less about the animals and more about campaigning politically and channelling donations, given in good faith to actually help animals, into the bargain.
If they must campaign like that then they should have designated funds, one for animals, one for campaigning and they shouldn't borrow from one to do the other. I know many people, not just hunting people either that now refuse to donate to them because of this type of behaviour and some of those would normally have bequeathed to them when the time came. They've lost a lot of support and standing by this sort of thing.

Sorry, I'm off soapbox now but I'm glad others have reacted to this too, it wasn't just me getting mad about them.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2008
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I read this email from grass routes as well and agree totally with your view point.

I won't give on principle to RSPCA nowadays. Why should a charity that collects money on the pretext of caring for animals be able to utilise it for something else, to my mind it is fraudulent use of funds.

Give to PDSA or Blue Cross instead (or all the other horsey type charities) maybe hitting them where it hurts will stop this behaviour.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2008
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I totally agree, I stopped donating to them several years ago when I honestly believe they were infiltrated by mis-guided do-gooders, I also think that they should have their annually accounts made very public so that we can all see exactly where their money goes, my Grandfather won the Waterloo cup and had 3 runners up in it and would be heartbroken to see what has happened to this country, some people have no idea about the countryside and will gladly jump on the band wagon to condem all country sports but they fail to see the damage that's been done to the foxes and other animals since the hunting ban, foxes are now so prolific that they're becoming ill through disease like mange leading to a horrid drawn out death from septicaemia as well as starving, I wonder what will happen when an urban fox savages a baby or child ? As long as societies like the RSPCA continue to behave in such a shameful manner they will be seen, by me, as a politically motivated group of VERY, at the best, ill advised people who have lost sight of what the RSPCA was originally meant to be, OK my rant over....Sorry !


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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I am joining JM in the speechless, but not surprised, camp.

Words do not fail me on the subject of the RSPCA, bigotted, arrogant, patronising, blinkered, self-righteous ... and those are just the everyday Inspectors I have come face to face with.

I haven't had anything to do with them for years and am heartily glad that I am never likely to again.



Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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This is why I now refuse to donate to them, I also won't give to various other large charities - I won't name and shame but a certain large charity refused to let my mother-in-law rehome a dog. She is a dog trainer, has had dogs (including problem dogs) all her life and after the old lab past away wanted another young dog to live with her springer - also a rescue.

She was refused and not allowed to rehome - why - because the springer is not castrated and she refused to have him done. Loki is a big softie, well trained, and 7 years old - why should he have to be done? She has not refused to have the new dog done, just her existing dog.

Sad thing is, she went out and bought a lovely springer pup, and there is a poor dog sitting in a kennel when it could have been in a loving home.

I now give to the smaller, less policital and far more sensible in terms of welfare charities.


20 August 2007
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I also agree that the police were at fault.There either was a case or not one.If the original officer had let them know that this could be breaking the law they should have been informed.Therefore the event could have been brought into line with the law or not run,or run with them knowing it was illeagal.If they had not run the event or made it clearly legal,this would have saved a bomb in money.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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The whole hunting act is a ridiculous waste of public money imho and I no longer contribute to the RSPCA, I refuse to donate to a quasi-legalistic political organisation


Well-Known Member
26 October 2008
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This is why I now refuse to donate to them, I also won't give to various other large charities

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My cousin is an IT consultant and did a contract for a certain large charity (think boats...). They were buying a vastly expensive computer system (SAP) that they had no need of because the Charity Commissioners had threatened to revoke their charitable status for hoarding too much money.

Another well known charity (think dogs and white sticks...) was caught giving staff almost zero interest loans because they had more money than they knew what to do with.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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You can view the accounts of all charities at the Charity Commission website. Some of them make very interesting reading! (The company I work for specialises in services for charities and we always check out prospective clients there).