RSPCA with out photos


Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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The warrant supposedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal, they did not show me or leave a copy they took 9 dogs. On the Monday I had a call from the solicitor saying they had called him stating a dog had died the day before IE Sunday. My vet went out and examined the rest of the dogs and was informed the dog had died Monday the RSPCA has never contacted me informing me that one of my sons dog was dead.

I asked Clive to find out what had happened? I get a copy of a message he got, that 3 German Shepard's had attacked and killed the dog, the dog was 8 week pregnant at the time. They informed my vet that the body had been sent to Essex for an examination, so I got Clive to request that my vet also had chance to examine the body to make sure it was my sons dog and that there was nothing amiss. They told the vet it would be dropped off Tuesday, surprising that was a no show from them.

On Friday night 8pm they dropped it at my vets they wanted it back Monday morning he called me to and told me the report on the dead dog was very damming to the RSPCA and did I want him to proceed with an autopsy? I asked if i could come with my son to make sure it was his dog? When we saw it the skin had been removed, the head removed and she was in bits, there was no way possible to say it was his dog. We scanned the dog and contents of the bag and no micro chip that she was registered with was present, they knew before hand through Clive we were going to go and identify the dog she had only been in there care 2 days, I firmly believe that the RSPCA did this act deliberately. I have found out another dog has been attacked and bitten about the head, I have photos and there own vet report stating no marks on the dog.

They granted me access Friday 25 to see my dogs they only fetched 4 dogs. Out of the 4 dogs one was emaciated and had lost 1/3 of his weight with bites to his back legs and tail. I pointed this out to the police and the RSPCA that were present, and the answer I got was to email them with a complaint. I then asked the office why he would not do something abut them starving the dog and the injuries his reply was report the matter to the RSPCA. It’s like there a law unto themselves. I went to the police station to report the fact that they had killed one dog, had injured anther and the emaciated dog, There reply you, will have to write to the RSPCA as its nothing to do with them. I did ask them if it was there duty to stop or prevent any acts of cruelty? They would not answer. Hunting in the UK is legal under the DEFRA guidelines (rat rabbit and fox for the protection of game birds). full story here

i have not been charged with any offence at all

she was returned in a plastic bag in just two days skinned and beheaded by the rspca

risky business

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22 April 2010
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I don't understand if you haven't been charged with any offence why you haven't got any of the dogs back?

You don't state whether you were encouraging a fight or not?

Rspca are usually useless when it comes to seizing animals quite frankly, even when they need removing. I find it difficult to believe they just took all the dogs based on one claim? Or is this an ongoing issue they have with you?


Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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No i have not been charged with any offence The warrant supposedly stated encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal No i was not everything was all legal and above bored


Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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they seem to do what they want and yes i will be getting the other dogs back they like to try and intimidate you threaten you ect its well known
I don't understand if you haven't been charged with any offence why you haven't got any of the dogs back?

You don't state whether you were encouraging a fight or not?

Rspca are usually useless when it comes to seizing animals quite frankly, even when they need removing. I find it difficult to believe they just took all the dogs based on one claim? Or is this an ongoing issue they have with you?

risky business

Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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Well I'm sorry you lost one of the dogs and the others are not being kept in good standards.

I hope something is sorted and the others are returned.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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There was a thread up last night, with some graphic photos, which seems to have been pulled. OP's dogs were seized by the RSPCA and one later died.

Agree with Amymay, leave this to your solicitor. You are not helping your cause one iota by going public like this until after legal proceedings, if any, have taken their course.


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28 March 2011
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Was there a police officer present when the dogs where taken ?
Did they enter your property without your permission ?
If so you need good heavy weight advice fast if the dogs where illegally seized pursue the RSPCA through the courts with every penny you have to get the dogs back .
If they have broken the law make them pay .
But I would concentrate your efforts on getting your dogs back public campaigns risk them digging in and using their considerable resources against you.


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Ive seen this on fb and I agree about not ranting on here however warranted but pursue through your solicitor to get your dogs back. Perhaps contact DDA there is a fb group who can put you in touch with a skilled solicitor who fights to get peoples dogs back that are seized either by the police or the RSPCA.

Good luck and hope you get your dogs back soon and justice for your plummer Terrier.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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If someone asked if you had used your dogs to fight, wouldn't you be mortified and deny it quite categorically ? The poster merely states that 'everything was all legal and above bored'. (sic)

I am not OP .
If she thinks every thing was legal that's her position until the law decides otherwise .
It's up to this charity to take a civil case against her if they choose to do so.
In the mean time if they are behaving unlawfully themselves and have caused the death of one of the dogs I hope Op brings them to book over it .

risky business

Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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OP said 'animals' not other dogs so I'm guessing they mean wildlife?!

I know nothing about the laws on dogs and wildlife. What I'm assuming is OP was maybe hunting with her dogs which have caught a wild animal? It's the only logically thing I can think of? As I said though no ideas on law and original post isn't clear. I

Can you clarify OP.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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The warrant said 'encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal.'
That would be different from a dog catching a rabbit or a rat. What were the circumstances and who made the complaint, OP ?


Well-Known Member
5 March 2010
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If someone asked if you had used your dogs to fight, wouldn't you be mortified and deny it quite categorically ? The poster merely states that 'everything was all legal and above bored'. (sic)
"No i was not" seems pretty definite to me - although I agree it would be helpful to have further clarification.

The warrant said 'encouraging a dog to fight with a wild animal.'
That would be different from a dog catching a rabbit or a rat. What were the circumstances and who made the complaint, OP ?
I too would like to know the circumstances. Presumably any wild animal involved would be one capable of fighting back in more than just a token fashion, such as a fox...?


Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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From looking at the facebook page it appears that they use the dogs to control rabbits. I have no idea what the law on this is but from the comments from the OP on the first post s/he seems to admit to that.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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This sentence is included towards the end of the OP.

'Hunting in the UK is legal under the DEFRA guidelines (rat rabbit and fox for the protection of game birds).'

OP hasn't denied that the dogs were used for hunting. It sounds like one or the other side would have to prove, or disprove, the legality of the hunting.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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I saw the photos yesterday. The one that was said to be of the dog two days prior to her death did not look like a heavily pregnant animal, and gestation in dogs only takes nine weeks so this confused me. Perhaps there was an error?


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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The claim that he ' encouraged a dog to fight a wild animal' is what puzzles me. Was the 'wild animal' in a ring or trapped in some way ? Dogs are used legitimately for ratting on farms everywhere, so it's hardly that.
Unfortunately the OP disappeared when I started asking specific questions. Perhaps he'll return later to clarify.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2010
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probably badger baiting or similar? also if they had a warrant they must have produced evidence to a court so maybe have photos or video footage?

as its rspca taking the prosecution you wont be 'charged' with anything you will be interviewed under caution and then summons will be issued if taking to court. I suggest you speak to your solicitor and not a forum or facebook!


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1 May 2007
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Whatever the rights and wrongs in this particular case, the RSPCA have a huge problem in that there is no real way to contact them other than via their call centre. I have tried several times to express concerns, or ask for an update etc. No way of updating, getting feedback, giving feedback - and for an organisation which relies on public donation that stinks IMHO.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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JillA, I agree with you, and with no apparent communication system other than word-of-mouth, the tactics and behaviour of what was once a respected and revered charity, now seems to have sunk to a level of political scheming, underhand tactics and a less than transparent approach.

There's no question that the grass roots Inspectors, though on occasion poorly trained, clearly incompetent and often out of their depth, have the well being of their charges at heart. The problem occurs with the senior management. The heavy handed, uncompromising and stubborn approach to those who would advise caution, speaks volumes of a group with no thought to their very own charter.

The rspca, or so it seems to me, are only interested in their own self promotion, and building a portfolio of high level successes, with the hope that they, as their American counterparts, have government clearance to act as a force. Our Government have already abdicated responsibility, in part, by permitting a charity (and one with fund raising preferences), to act as a prosecuting body. Madness, pure madness.



Well-Known Member
1 June 2014
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the photo off the dog was taken 4 weeks be for the seized her in the eyes of the rspca any form off hunting is against there policy. Ii do legitimate pest control which i have in writing i have not been charged with any offence !Or done anything illegal. Its not about me its about getting justice for the dog that was killed by the rspca in there care through there incompetence ( she died a long agonizing death ) taken from there own vet report .Did she deserve to be torn to bit


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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To understand clearly .
You have not and are not to charged for any offense .
Your dogs where seized not signed over and a police officer was not present .
Your remaining dogs are still with the RSPCA.