Rubbish schooling today and rubbish crooked saddle


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
Wigston, Leicestershire
I schooled Hattie today as we are doing a dressage test next Wednesday and it was HORRIBLE today!!

My legs and arms were flapping around like no one's business, Hattie was stiff and kept bending to the right when I wanted her bending to the left, couldn't get her in frame, couldn't get her left lead canter, flippin' pony kept calling to her and distracting her plus I don't think my saddle fits anymore.

I just got it reflocked but it's leaning to the right- I kept having to battle against it and when I checked the underside of my numnah, there was a darker pressure point on the left sigh of the wither and a pressure point on the right seat bone area- crooked tree saddle?? Crooked me??

I've also noticed that some of the hair has rubbed off the right side of her withers as well during the last week.

I know I'm a rubbish rider anyways but the more I ride in this saddle, the more I think it's ill fitting and I can't afford to buy yet another!!!

Grr..thanks for letting me rant. My OH doesn't understand these things and just thinks I want to buy bunches of saddles for the fun of it!!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
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Oh dear! everyone has these days, chill out, go for a hack and dont stress about the test, there will be plenty more!
Get yourself a saddle fitter out to check your saddle, there is no point battling with a horse who is in discomfort, book yourself some lessons, you are probably a much better rider than you think, and remember riding is supposed to be enjoyable!!!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
Wigston, Leicestershire
It doesn't help that my instructor is on maternity leave, I really get along with her but a newborn takes precedence over teaching (I don't blame her, I remember how much time a newborn took up and how tired I was after having my son).

I did have the saddler out at the end of March when I had him come out to take away my side saddle to get altered but I think Hattie has put on a bit more weight and probably developed more muscle too from regular schooling.

Yes, I definitely going to have the saddler come out again and try to find another instructor in the meanwhile.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
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Sometimes having a lesson with someone different gives you a different route to go down and gives you a fresh outlook. x